Page 19 of Redemption


“The ranch continued to thrive because of his guidance and leadership. Your grandpa always said there is more to running a ranch than just physical labor.”

I paused, wondering if my supervision would be enough.

“I don't know if I can bring this ranch back to life, Beth,” I whispered, my voice fragile. “Can I pull it back together?”

She held my hand then, squeezing it with all her might.

“You do your best, Anna. For him. For your grandpa.”

Her words settled around me like a mantle, heavy with responsibility. My fingers massaged my throbbing temple as I muttered a prayer.

“Lord, help me. Please, show me what to do.”

Beth’s words rolled around in my head as I began to think. Three workers earned their livelihood from this place with its worn wooden beams and rusty gate.

Besides, this was my home. The ranch was Grandpa’s legacy, so I needed to honor him. And that would require my undivided focus. I needed to give my all to Harrington Ranch to make it succeed.

Fishing out my phone from my pocket, I asked for an extended leave at the office. The corporate world would have to wait; Harrington Ranch needed me now. Considering the stipulation of Grandpa’s will, I’d eventually have to resign. Well, I had some emergency funds and savings that could tide me over for a year.

Then I dialed a friend’s number. When she answered, I requested that she send down clothes suitable for ranch life.

When that matter was settled, I turned to face the workers. I wanted to lead them by example.

“I’ve asked for an extended leave at my job in Chicago,” I began,

They listened intently.

“I’m putting my heart and soul into this ranch, just as Grandpa did for so many years. This place represents his legacy, his love, and his unwavering dedication. It shows the values he held dear.”

I paused, my voice filled with conviction.

“I want to honor him by restoring Harrington Ranch, but I can’t do it alone. That’s where you all come in. We have a lot of work ahead of us. We’re going to push, pull, and work to breathe life back into this place. Can I get an unwavering dedication from each one of you?”

Their eyes met mine. Beth and Ethan’s eyes were filled with hope. Jake looked at me hesitantly then thrust out his chest.

“I can’t do the heavy lifting, literally,” I continued. “But I’ll be right here with you in every other way. And I expect nothing but your best.

Silence hung for a heartbeat. Then Ethan nodded, his eyes lighting up.

“Don’t you worry about the heavy lifting and the hard work. That’s what I’m here for. You can count on me.”

Jake nodded, his eyes steadily looking at mine.

“And I’ll do my part as well, wherever it’s needed. I’ll pitch in wherever I can.”

Beth beamed. She enveloped me in a warm hug.

“I knew you had it in you, dear. You’ve made the right decision. Your grandpa would be so proud of you.”

Did I have it in me? I wasn’t so sure.

But I knew God would help me if I focused on resuscitating the ranch. Besides, we had become a team aiming to fulfill one goal. We would win.

I nodded to them.

“Let’s get to work, then.”