Page 67 of Redemption

“I’m here to help you, Anna,” I said and squeezed her gently.

She nodded weakly, her eyes struggling to stay open.

I began to tell her a story to keep her conscious.

I glanced around the shed, looking for how to create a safe exit. The door was the best option since I needed to carry Anna out on a stretcher. I assessed the jumbled mess of wood, metal, and broken furnishings.

Then, Ethan’s voice pierced the storm’s howl.

“Max, we’re here!” he shouted.

Relief washed over me, and I yelled back to him.

“Clear the debris on your side! I’m working on it here!” I turned to Anna. “Keep singing, Anna. We’ll soon be out of here.”

Once I was sure that she was singing, I started to clear a path through the debris by moving broken beams, chunks of wood, and torn metal sheets. Each movement was calculated since one wrong move could bring more of the structure down.

The sound of Ethan, Jake, and Beth working fervently on the other side of the door spurred me on. Finally, a gap emerged and grew wider as we pulled away the last pieces of the debris.

Beth, Ethan, and Jake burst in, their faces etched with worry.

Beth was carrying two long sturdy sticks, a blanket, and a first aid box. She let out a sharp gasp when she saw Anna’s condition. Beth quickly knelt beside her, offering words of comfort while assessing her condition.

I gestured to Jake and together, we worked to turn the blankets and sticks into a makeshift stretcher. The urgency of the situation lent us a frantic energy. We threaded the sticks through the blanket’s edges to create something that could support Anna's weight safely.

“Jake, lift her leg gently,” I instructed.

He nodded. He carefully supported Anna’s injured leg as Ethan and I lifted her onto the stretcher. The task was delicate. We had to be gentle yet quick. Then I covered her with her blanket.

“We’ve got you,” Ethan said to Anna firmly, once she was securely on the stretcher.

Ethan, Jake, and I carried her out of the shed. The wind and rain battered against us, but our resolve didn’t waver.

Putting Anna on my horse wouldn’t be good for her leg. But then, I noticed her truck by the corner.

“Where is the key to your truck?” I asked her.

She slowly put her hand in her pocket and brought the key out. We placed her in the back of her truck. Ethan and Jake climbed in to keep her company.

“Keep talking to her and make sure she responds,” I said to them.

Turning to Anna, I fought back a wave of fear.

“You’re going to be alright.” The words sounded more confident than I felt. “Think about living and how you’ll make the ranch the best it can be.”

I squeezed her hand, and she responded with a faint squeeze. I climbed into the driver’s seat while Beth settled into the passenger’s side.

As I navigated through the storm, a silent prayer formed in my head. I prayed for Anna’s recovery. For the strength to make things right. And for a second chance to prove my true intentions.

This wasn’t just about fixing a mistake. It was about fighting for the woman I loved and the future we could have together.

The hospital’s light appeared in the distance, a beacon of hope in the relentless storm.


Weeks later, Anna and I revisited a place that held a special meaning – the secluded pond with wildflowers on my ranch.

As we walked, I recalled how I’d almost lost her during that crazy storm. But thank God I’d gotten to the shed on time and driven her to the hospital where she was admitted and treated.