Page 45 of Redemption

His expression darkened.

“Playing the hero now, are we? Or is it because you’re sleeping with her?”

His words struck a nerve. I replied without thinking.

“That’s none of your business.”

But then Anna interrupted us. I could feel a lump forming in my throat as my eyes widened in horror. Richard, on the other hand, seemed to relax, his thin lips curling into a sardonic smile.

“Max, what’s going on here?” Anna asked.

“We’ll talk about this later,” I said to Richard.

Hurrying to Anna, I reached for her arm to guide her away from the man-predator’s toxic presence. Anna didn’t spare me a glance. Instead, she glared at Richard.

“Richard, I’d appreciate it if you stopped bombarding me with letters. I don't intend to sell the ranch,” she said in a firm voice.

His smirk widened.

“Like grandfather, like granddaughter. Stubborn to the core.”

Before he finished speaking, I knew he had hit a nerve. Anna had never let anyone insult Grandpa William, call him names, or insinuate anything bad about him.

Her face turned red with rage.

I quickly stepped between them to stop the brewing storm.

“Let’s not ruin the evening,” I murmured, my thumb caressing her bare arm.

She glared at Richard for a few seconds then turned abruptly and walked away.

Mind racing with worry, I caught up with her and let her walk off the steam. Once we were a few steps away, she turned to me.

“Max, what was that about? Why were you talking to Richard Kane, of all people?”

My mind scrambled for the right words to say.

“Anna, it’s… complicated. I’ll explain everything to you. But not here, and not now.”

The words felt hollow to my ears. But what else was I to say? I was desperate to protect her from the web of deceit I’d helped weave.

Her eyes searched mine for a second, then she nodded. We walked to a part of the festival where a country ballad floated in the air and people danced freely.

Another song with a melodic tune and slow rhythm started. The melody of the ballad was heartfelt, the kind that stirred emotions deep within. The singer had a rich and soulful voice. I listened to the love song he sang, each verse telling a story that resonated within me.

Anna kept looking back to where Richard still stood, her eyes filled with worry.

Determined to distract her, I held her hand and walked into the midst of the dancers. I placed my other hand underneath her shoulder blade to move her if need be. Then I stood slightly offset to look over her shoulder.

Smiling at her, I said, “Let’s dance the Texas two-step.”

Anna placed her hand on the biceps of the arm that held her torso. Lifting our intertwined hands up, I guided her, so her back was to Richard. That should shield her from his piercing glare.

Now that I no longer had to worry so much about Richard, I focused on the dance. The Texas two-step required a closeness that felt intimate.

At first, our steps were tentative. As the tempo of the song picked up, we found our stride. We moved together in small steps, taking close turns and smooth glides.

Anna soon relaxed in my arms. She followed my lead, and our steps aligned with ease. We moved as one, turning and stepping in perfect harmony with the music. There was a sensuality in the closeness, in the way our bodies moved together.