“I can’t do that. Xavier, tell him, please. I can’t…” Hope gasped.

The policeman sneered. “Don’t even think about it, asshole. You just fucked my wife. Give me an excuse to pull the trigger, any excuse. Please, I’m begging you.”

Xavier turned his head towards Hope. “I’m so sorry, baby. She told me she was divorced.”

“Sorry, honey. I guess I lied,” Marion drawled.

“Divorced?” Hope was having trouble keeping up.

“I know, I know, the plan was to seduce a married woman, but I didn’t want to do that. I only wanted you tothinkwe were breaking the law, not actually do it. I was trying to keep you safe. You’ve had enough trouble lately. I—Jesus, what a clusterfuck.” He gripped his hair.

The policeman waved his gun at them. “You can say that again. You could go to jail for five years for this, cocksucker. How about you put some pants on before I start using your dick for target practice?”

* * *

The police station was ten degrees below comfortable and so utilitarian it defined industrial chic. Hope shivered in a sturdy metal chair that had been bolted to the floor, the twin of which held Xavier. Opposite them was the policeman from the hotel, frowning over the paperwork in his hands. Empty coffee cups littered his desk, and a half-empty packet of nicotine patches reminded Hope of how she’d briefly wished she was a smoker earlier that evening, a lifetime ago.

The cop handed Xavier back his passport.

“Unfortunately, your papers are all in order.”

“Can I go?”


“What? I…”

“Son, you broke the law. You fucked my wife. You broke the law by fucking my wife.”

“What? That’s bullshit, she—”

“You want to get deported, dipshit?”

Xavier sat back, folding his arms.

The cop resumed his police demeanour. “You will be staying here until I say otherwise.”

“Because of some ridiculous outdated sex law thing?”

“Yes, because of some ridiculous outdated sex law thing. Law’s the law, son. You broke it. You pay the price. That’s the way society works over here. You don’t get to pick which laws apply to you. I just enforce them.”

He leaned closer. “On a personal note, upon your release from incarceration if I see you again, I fully intend to beat the living crap out of you, you piece of fucking worthless dingo shit.”

He leaned back. “On my own time, of course.” He turned to Hope. “Or maybe I’ll fuck your girlfriend here to even out the score. What do you say, doll?”

“Screw you,” Hope spat out.

“Worth a shot.”

“If you lay a hand on her…” Xavier said, rising from his seat.

“Cool your jets, Russel Crowe. I’m not gonna fuck your girl. I’m an officer of the goddam law, for Christ sakes.” He took a swig of coffee from a Styrofoam cup that appeared to have been there for some time. He winced. “Incidentally, Miss Green, when I typed your name into the system all these flashing lights appeared. Missing, reward, etcetera. Luckily for you, your father’s already on his way.”

Hope turned to Xavier, dread engulfing her.

His face contorted. “Baby, Ihadto call him. This is serious stuff. I couldn’t let you take the blame for something that’s all my fault.”

She shook her head. “You used your one phone call to ring my dad? You had no right. This is none of his business.”