A choked cry ripped from my chest, and I arched my back, digging my toes into the mattress as I started to come.


The strangled growl filled the room as cum roared from my body in thick, hot streams, and hit the rock-hard flesh of my abs. And it kept coming, and I kept moaning and pumping until there was nothing left in me, nothing left but the need for a woman I so desperately wanted beneath me.


I stared at the sign hanging between the two oak trees that read, ‘Destiny Middle School Cookout,’ and mentally groaned.

Apparently, the cookout was a big deal on the school calendar. The whole town participated, with local businesses setting up food booths to help raise money for much-needed school resources.

Noah was already inside having opted to go earlier with one of his new friends from class. He was slowly getting more confident and making new friends, spending more time at sleepovers and at friends’ houses.

“Let the torture begin,” I sighed to myself, climbing out of my car and grabbing the tray of cupcakes from the backseat.

As soon as I entered the gates, I saw them.

Three familiar, big-haired trolls making their way through the crowd of students and their families.

The Destiny Middle School PTA.

Otherwise known as Hell’s Sisters.

In my mind, anyway.

I had a few other apt descriptions, but they were less appropriate.

They walked through the school grounds like homecoming queens, flicking their hair and ignoring the stares of the unpopular people as they passed by.

It was like fucking high school. They were the plastics, and the rest of us were fodder for them to pick on.

It was typical us and them bullshit.

But they ruled the PTA. And as a result, they ruled over every middle school event, from fairs and school dances, to picnics, carnivals, and today’s cookout

The leader of the pack was Audrey Scotsdale, a bone-thin bully who was a gazillion inches tall in her Louboutin stilettos, with big blue eyes and frosty pink lips. She had an air of friendliness about her, when she wanted you to think she was nice. But in reality, her smile was fake, her eyes cold, and her tongue was as mean as a cut snake.

The first day we met, she decided she didn’t like me. She’d cast an arrogant look over my Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and denim shorts, her over-made-up eyes sweeping up and down with pure disdain as she shamelessly put me in the category of them.

Her two subordinates, who were never far from her side, were vapid clones who never reached her dizzying heights of Queen Bitch. They were two tight-faced women who had peaked in high school, and now followed Audrey’s lead so they could be a part of the cool kids.

Normally, I didn’t worry about women like that. After all, I was all about you do you, boo, and all that.

But some days they fell on the wrong side of my badassery.

Like today.

“Oh, you brought cupcakes to the cookout,” Audrey said, looking at the tray of chocolate cupcakes like they were frosted grenades.

“It’s not a dessert event,” Malory said, like I’d broken the cardinal rule of cookouts.

“It’s a barbecue…” Mary-Lynn added, offering no value to their argument whatsoever.

If this was a teen movie, she was the simple one.

Audrey gave me a condescending look. “I probably should’ve put it in the newsletter that we don’t encourage desserts at the cookout.”

Yes, you probably should have.

“We frown upon sugary foods, you understand. Given that my Henry is a dentist and we like to promote dental prosperity,” she added matter-of-factly.

I didn’t know who Henry was, but I felt sorry for him.

And what the hell was dental prosperity?

“Well, they’re from Honey Bee Cupcakes in town, if that makes any difference,” I said brightly.

“Are they sugar free?” Mary-Lynn asked.

“Gluten free?” Asked Malory.

“Nope, just good ol’ cupcakes. Oh, but Honey made them especially for the cookout.”

“Honey made these for you?” Malory asked.

“Well, she made them for the cookout, but as a favor to me, yeah.”

“Why would she do that?” Mary-Lynn asked.

I gave her a strange look. Because like I said…the simple one. “I guess because we’re friends.”

Audrey looked at me in disbelief. “You’re friends with Honey?”

“Yeah, why is that so weird? I work at the clubhouse…”

Three pairs of heavily mascaraed eyes lit up.

“As in, the Kings of Mayhem clubhouse?” Audrey scoffed.

I narrowed my eyes at her obvious disbelief. “Is there another clubhouse I don’t know about?”

I felt the energy shift around us. Suddenly, Malory and Mary-Lynn were like my best friends.

Malory slipped an arm through mine. “Let’s sit down and have one of these delicious cupcakes you brought, and you can fill us in on what it’s like to work for the Kings of Mayhem.”

“Oooh, yes, I’ve always wanted to see inside of the clubhouse,” Mary-Lynn added.

I freed my arm from Malory’s grasp.