He didn’t have to ask twice.

Now, I sat slumped in the driver’s seat of my car with my head against the headrest, contemplating my next move.

It wasn’t easy getting a job in this town, when the first question they asked was, “Why did you leave your last job?”

Because, I kneed my sleazy boss in the balls, didn’t make me an attractive candidate to any potential boss.

The only other option was a waitressing job at an upmarket bar over in Humphrey, the kind where you could purchase a little more than a drink from the waitress if you had the right amount of cash.

And I wasn’t willing to do that.

I groaned.

Now I was back to square one.

Stone-cold broke.

But we’re safe.

I thought about my brother and what he’d said to me in the car after our encounter with the biker. He was still angry at me. And clearly, he was struggling with it being just the two of us. The thought killed me. As a little boy, he’d never asked about our parents, or the man he’d known briefly as his godfather, but as he got older, he grew more insistent on knowing more. Wanting more.

And that terrified me.

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I blew out a puff of air and rolled down the window. It was a warm summer day, and the lack of air conditioning in my car had me hot and sticky. I wasn’t one to dwell on what I didn’t have, I always tried to make the best of things, but today was pushing every one of my damn buttons.

Although, no matter how bad my day could get, it was infinitely better than what we’d left behind.

We came to Destiny for a fresh start. It wasn’t a hard decision. Moving here put a bigger gap between us and our past, and promised us a chance for freedom.

When Credence Clearwater Revival’s, “Feeling Blue” came on the radio, I leaned forward to turn it up. I was distracted for a nanosecond. A blink of an eye. But it was enough for me not to see the van in front of me stop at the light, and for me to slam into the back of him.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck.

After the jolt of the impact rattled through me, I took a moment to press my forehead to the steering wheel because I wasn’t sure my day could get any worse.

I raised my head in time to see the driver of the van climb out. He was a knockout gorgeous biker in a Kings of Mayhem vest, with bright blue eyes and tattoos covering two very muscular arms. He took one look at my car that had rammed into the back of his van and his eyebrows rose.

“Damn,” he said, surveying the damage.

I climbed out, ready to grovel. I didn’t have the money for repairs. And insurance was for people who weren’t stone-cold broke.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you. I looked away for a split second and—” I stopped when a second biker appeared from the passenger side. A biker with inky black hair and a voice I hadn’t been able to get out of my head for the last two days. My shoulders sagged. Day meet worse. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

A smile tugged at his lips.

“Of course, it has to be you,” I said, folding my arms across my chest as if I was protecting myself against some unknown force. Because apparently, fate was having a fun time fucking with me.

“You say that like I was the one who ran up your ass,” he said wryly, lifting up his sunglasses and squinting in the sunshine.

My cheeks grew hot. I was flustered. And it had nothing to do with the way he was looking at me.

Because today has been a really shitty day, that is all.

“Well, if I’d known it was you in the car, I’d probably have driven a little faster,” I mumbled.

I couldn’t help myself. Being caught between a rock and a hard place made me a smartass.

“And I’d expect nothing less, sweetheart.”

The other biker looked at me, then to his passenger, then back to me.

“Wait. You two know each other?” he asked.

We answered simultaneously. But with completely different answers.

“No,” I said.

“Yes,” he said.

The biker who wasn’t the arrogant ass raised an eyebrow. “Right.”

“I wouldn’t exactly say we know each other,” I said.

“It was a brief but memorable encounter,” said the man who was torturing me with those broad shoulders and big biceps.

“For you, maybe.”

He grinned to reveal a mouth full of perfect, straight white teeth.

Of course.

The other biker watched on, intrigued. “I see. Well, as much as I’d love to stand here and watch whatever this is, we should get these off the road.” He pointed to the van and my now-damaged car. “The van looks okay, but we’ll have to get the prospects to tow the Honda back to the clubhouse.”