“You’ve been gone so long.”

“I needed time.”

“What have you been doing?”

His gaze caught mine. “Trying to figure out the best way to ask you to marry me.”


Twelve Months Later

Jesus Christ, the pain was like nothing I’d known.

“You’re doing so well, baby.”

I grabbed Bull by the t-shirt. “You did this to me…”

Sweat ran down my forehead as another wave of excruciating pain swept through me.

“Well, I hope it was me,” he said with that mischievous glint in his eye.

I twisted my hand deeper into his shirt. “Does this look like a time for jokes—” Agony cut me off, and I cried out as two kinds of pain twisted at my insides. “—goddamn, it feels like a bowling ball is trying to push its way out of my body!”

When Bull chuckled, I threw him a warning look. The contractions were on top of one another now.

The midwife delivering my baby looked up from between my legs. “Ok, Taylor, I’m going to need you to push.”

Taking in a deep breath, I gritted my teeth and pushed for dear life…thankfully, I was rewarded with a strange release.

“We have a head,” she said.

I looked at Bull, and relief washed over me like warm water. “We have a head?” And I started to cry when he nodded.

“Yeah, baby. We have a head.”

I drew in deep breaths.

“Okay, Taylor. I’m going to need you to push again. I know you’re tired. But I need one big push from you, okay. Your baby wants to meet her mama.”

With all of my muscles tightened and straining, I pushed, but it was no use. My baby wasn’t budging.

“Okay, take a moment to get your breath. Now, I need you to give me another one of those. On a count of three, one…two…three…now push!”

Again, I tried, I pushed as hard as I could, my body clenching, my muscles straining, my eyes squeezed shut, until I couldn’t do anymore.

Air burst from me as I let go.

“I can’t do this,” I cried to Bull, suddenly afraid. I was exhausted. I had nothing left. Fifteen hours of labor had taken its toll, and I was spent.

He clasped a big hand around mine “You can do this, baby. One more push.” He tenderly wiped hair from my face and leaned in to press a kiss to my forehead. “My sweet, strong, little bird. You’re the strongest, fiercest woman I know. You can do this, baby.”

I drew in a deep breath and nodded as I let it out in a slow exhale.

“Ready?” the midwife asked.

Another breath.

Another push.

Another cry ripped from deep inside of me, and our daughter came into the world screaming.

I fell back onto the pillows, exhausted, while Bull looked down at me, with a face full of love and affection.

“You did it,” he said, his voice touched with emotion. Tears welled in his eyes. “She’s fucking beautiful.”

The midwife placed our daughter on my chest.

She was perfect.

Eden Western was the most beautiful baby in the world.

Having finally arrived, she released another almighty wail, and I started to cry.

Bull was in love. He didn’t even try to hide his tears. Instead, he leaned forward as they fell down his face, and pressed a quivering kiss to my lips.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

I looked at my big bull of a husband, and my heart bloomed with happiness. God had blessed me with so many loves.

Later that day, Maverick brought Noah into the hospital to meet his niece. Excited, he held her securely in his arms and couldn’t wipe the grin off his sweet face. He was staying with Maverick and Autumn for a few days, and filled me in on what was happening. Autumn and their baby son, Nalu, were sick and opted to stay home.

Ronnie arrived not long after, her arms filled with a massive bouquet of sunflowers. “Give me a look at my beautiful niece,” she said, taking Eden from my arms and cradling her. She looked from my daughter to me, and gave me a wink. “You did good.”

Her smile lingered and I knew our relationship was in a good place. She had forgiven me for the lies and the betrayal. We had a fair way to go but I was certain we were going to get there. Because she knew I loved Bull, and she knew I would always stand proudly beside him as his queen.

The afternoon drifted by with other visitors. Cade and Indy came by with River and Bella, whose hand-painted pictures now hung on the wall beside the windows overlooking the river. And afterward, Honey and Caleb came with Cassidy and Chance, both of them bringing all of their kids. Not long after they left, Chastity and Ruger came by with Grandma Sybil and Jury.

By sundown I was exhausted. But I couldn’t sleep. I was too damn high on happiness.

It took me hours to convince Bull to go home and get some rest. He fought me. Said he’d sleep when he was dead. Said he didn’t want to miss a moment of his daughter’s life. He cradled her so long, his arms must’ve felt like dead weights.