“Bull…” My name fell from her lips in a soft moan as her eyes closed and her back arched upward. The move sent me deeper into her body, the pleasure almost blinding as her tight pussy sucking my cock, making me drive deeper into the warmth, making me lose my mind.

I gripped the pillow by her head, my body begging me to let go and come. But I didn’t want the moment to end. I was high on the feeling, intoxicated by her soft cries of pleasure as she came beneath me, her body writhing, her neck arching, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

I sealed my mouth over hers, drinking in her moan, my hips rolling and rolling until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“What are you doing to me?” I cried into her mouth as light and sound became warped around me. “What have you done to me?”

The walls holding back my orgasm tumbled down, and I crashed into my ecstasy like a tidal wave to the shoreline. I didn’t roar. I didn’t growl. I didn’t cry out. Instead, my eyes found hers and my mouth dropped open, as every cell in my body exploded with pleasure. My heart opened, and a bright light flooded in to fill the chambers, and in that moment, everything was different. I knew it. And so did she.

I collapsed against her, my brain still illuminated in ecstasy but my body soft and spent. I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her, savoring her warmth and the silkiness of her naked body pressed into mine.

I closed my eyes, wrapped in the heavenly afterglow of amazing sex.

But before I could descend into a blissful sleep, my eyes jolted open, and a realization ripped through me like lightning.

Jesus Christ, I’ve fallen in love with her.


I woke a few hours later to the sound of raindrops hitting the window. I was tangled in the bed sheets, my body soft from sleep, my skin warm with the heat radiating from his big body wrapped around mine.

I wanted to stay like this forever.

With him.

And I smiled because I was happy. Something had happened between us last night. Something magical. Something I never knew existed. I’d felt it as he’d made love to me. Felt it in every touch. Heard it in his moans. Saw it in his eyes and written all over his face.

It was no longer casual.

It wasn’t as simple as that.

It wasn’t simple at all.

But it was something.

He stirred, releasing a low groan as he shifted behind me. His breathing was hot on the nape of my neck. He was waking up. And my body was waking up with him.

When a gentle moan parted my lips, he rolled me onto my back and pushed into me, and we made love again, slowly, sleepily, as the rain continued to rattle against the window.

He tangled his hand in my hair and pressed his cheek to mine, his eyes closed as he leisurely stroked into me, whispering in my ear and driving me toward another mind-shattering orgasm.

When we were done, we lay soft and subtle in each other’s arms, our limbs tangled, our bodies exhausted.

“I have to go.” He pressed a kiss into my hair. “I have to meet someone.”

I whimpered my protest.

“I will call you later.” His lips brushed my ear. “And I want to spend the night making you moan.”

When he left, I drifted back into a deep, satisfied sleep. I didn’t need to pick Noah up from Roberta’s for another few hours. But just as I started to drift away, my phone started to ring on the bedside table. Heavy and content, I decided to let it go to voicemail. I didn’t want to move. I was drunk on orgasms and wanted to drift back into a heavenly sleep.

But thinking it could be Noah, I reached for it.

I felt for it on the nightstand, and pulled it in front of my eyes.

It was a number I didn’t recognize.

“Hello…” I said huskily.

“Hello, Taylor.” Came a familiar voice. My eyes flicked open and I sat up, a shiver of fear rushing up my spine. “I’m coming to town, and I think it’s time you came back to work for me, don’t you agree?”

Fear snagged in my chest.

My past had finally caught up with me.

Ten Years Ago

The dress was Givenchy. The shoes Manolo Blahnik. My hair an upstyle of red curls and braiding. Diamonds and rubies dripped from my ears; a matching bracelet wrapped around a gloved wrist. I sipped Cristal from a champagne flute and moved about the room engaging in polite small talk like the well-bred young woman I was pretending to be. Because I was anything but well-bred. I was so far from pedigree, I should need a map to find it. I came from the street. I came from the gutter that stunk of piss and shit.