Setting down my glass, I crossed the room and peered through the peephole and immediately, my heart leaped to my throat.

With hurried fingers, I unlocked the door and ripped it open, my pulse hammering in my ears when I saw him standing on my front stoop in the rain.

An overwhelming longing washed over me as he stood across from me.

He was rain-soaked, his sopping t-shirt clinging to his broad chest, and his hair falling in wet tendrils over his forehead.

Speechless, I absorbed the sight of him, wondering for a moment if he was real or if I was somehow imagining this because I was so crazy-lost without him. But he was really here. Standing in front of me. Raindrops rolling down his beautiful face and falling from his parted lips as he panted.

Beside him, his hands were curled into fists.

I whispered his name, but it was swallowed by the storm.

Seeing him cracked open the wound in my chest and poured pain into my already broken heart. I wanted to go to him. To touch him. To hold him. Kiss him. But I was terrified he would push me away and tell me he didn’t love me anymore.

Neither of us said anything. Instead, we just stared at each other; him, struggling with the emotion coursing through him, and me aching to touch him.

“I told myself I could forget you,” he finally called out over the rain. And my stomach dropped to the pit of my stomach. Because he didn’t love me anymore and he was here to tell me so.

He shook his head and looked tortured; his brows drawn in by heartache. His fists opened and closed at his sides.

“But I can’t fucking get over you. And I don’t want to. Because I love you. Do you understand me, little bird? I fucking love you!”

I started to cry.

“But if you don’t love me…tell me now…because I can’t go another minute like this. Because it’s killing me, Taylor. It’s killing me being without you. And I can’t move on until I know how you feel.”

With a cry, I ran into his arms and pressed my mouth to his wet lips, kissing him urgently, needing him so desperately, and wanting to ease both of our pain. Rain poured down around us, drenching us as his lips parted and his warm, luscious tongue slipped into my mouth. He shivered against me, his soft moan falling between us as we kissed frantically in the storm.

I pulled away from him only long enough to tell him that I loved him too—that I loved him so much I could barely breathe without him—before finding his mouth again and kissing him like I was dying of thirst and he was my oasis.

“I love you so much,” I cried, my tears joining the rain on my cheeks. I buried my face in his drenched chest and he trembled.

When I looked up, I saw his chin shudder with emotion. Rain spilled from his beautiful lips. “I don’t want this life if it means it’s a life without you. Tell me what you need from me, and it’s yours.”

It killed me to see him in so much pain.

“You,” I cried. “I just need you.”

I kissed him and his lips faltered. I felt him hesitate. Felt his need wrestle with his fear.

But then the damn broke, and with a desperate groan, he kissed me back, hard and urgently, his breathing ragged, and with every lick of our tongues, our walls completely fell away.

We tumbled into the living room and it was a blur of limbs ripping off wet clothing before we fell to the floor and Bull covered me with his powerful body. I felt his abs, warm and thick with muscle, sliding against me as he pressed his hips into mine, and the familiarity made me want to cry because I had missed this so damn much.

“God, I missed you,” he moaned, as if reading my mind. He slid down my body and lowered his mouth over one nipple, torturously sucking and licking it, before dragging his tongue across my breastbone to repeat the same motion on the other one. “And these breasts…” He let my nipple go and moved lower, dragging his tongue down my ribcage and over the gentle swell of my belly. “It’s been torture not being able to have this beautiful body under me.” His lips moved over my skin as he spoke. “To touch it. To taste it.” He moaned, inhaling my scent as he licked his way past my hip bone. “Tell me this body is mine,” he groaned, and I could hear the torment in his smoky voice. “Tell me this body belongs to me.” I gripped the plush rug beneath me, and my legs fell open as he moved over the pubic bone.

Two fingers entered me at the same moment his tongue licked through soaking skin. “Tell me this pussy is mine.”