Somehow my brain is slow processing anything today, but when it finally does, boy does it hit me. The tears can’t be stopped, even if I tried. But what’s the point?
A cascade of emotions bombards me all at once, and my body shakes with the intensity. Rhia is trembling too, betraying her jovial façade.
When she pulls away, her cheeks are wet, but on her it looks classy and dainty, while I’m a tear-streaked mess.
“I see that leaky tear duct affecting both your eyes is still playing up,” she teases, pulling me in for another hug.
“It’s the worst. I need to have it checked out,” I quip back, my best friend’s familiarity soaking in.
“How? How are you here?” I mutter into her hair.
“Well, we need to uphold our traditions. You didn’t think your ‘fake death’ would stop me, did you? And it looks like I’ve just made it in time.”
“You did,” I say… and in more than one way. Feeling myself well up again, I hold on tighter.
Holy crap! I can get married now.
The stars are aligning… and all in a matter of hours!
How is that possible?
In awe of how everything is happening, I ask again, “How are you here?”
I peek over at Claudette, who’s beaming at us and giving me a wink.
Did she know about this? As if reading my mind, she shakes her head.
Before Rhia can answer my question, the clearing of a throat has us pull apart. Lex and Tiero enter the room, their expressions smugly pleased.
Ah, the two of them must have organized this.
“Lex!” I let go of Rhia and rush over to her boyfriend, throwing my arms around him. “You have no idea how excited I am to see you!”
A low rumble comes from beside us and I chuckle. Seems like Tiero still doesn’t like another man touching me. Even if said man belongs to my best friend and only has eyes for her.
I guess his possessive streak is not going to change, and I’m fine with that. To be honest, I’d miss it if it was gone.
Ignoring Tiero’s antics, Lex teases in his thick Scottish accent, “You look the best I’ve seen you since you were alive.”
“Yes, the climate here in the afterlife does wonders for the complexion,” I retort when I let go of him.
Flying into Tiero’s arms, I bombard his face with kisses.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the best surprise ever.”
Tiero takes my face into his large hands and wipes away the remnants of the tears with his thumbs before kissing me, not caring who’s watching.
“I know how much it means to you to have your best friend spend Christmas with us. Plus you wouldn’t want to get married without her, sì?”
He nuzzles his nose against mine, while my heart swells with love for this man.
He knew I wouldn’t want to tie the knot without Rhia by my side and somehow managed the impossible.
“Get married?” Rhia echoes a decibel or two higher from across the room. “You’re getting married? But you only just got engaged. When were you going to tell me?” Hands on her waist, she juts out her hip.
“Hey, you’ve barely arrived, and we just wrapped up hugging,” I retort, mimicking her stance.
She nods, somewhat placated. “So when is the big day?”