Page 49 of Always and Forever

“Are you afraid she’s going to be a no-show?” Claudette teases. “You know she’s a sure thing, don’t you? “

I don’t reply. God knows why I’m nervous. I don’t doubt for a second that Ella will come, but the minutes seem to stretch on.

I try standing still.

But it’s no use. There’s too much energy pumping through my body. So I carry on with my pacing, unconcerned what the other two make of it.

Everything in my life has led up to this moment. Though I never thought it would look like this.

I always imagined my wedding would be a grand affair, that our church in Sicily would be overflowing with everyone important and working forla famiglia.

Yet here I am in the middle of freaking nowhere, in a frozen forest lit only by torches and a couple of millions of stars.

I stop moving and let my head fall back, staring up at a sky so vast and clear. It’s something I used to do often when I was on my island.

Ahh… my island.

I wish we could honeymoon there. Just Ella and me… with no one around for hundreds of miles.

Well, I suppose we have the seclusion here as well.

A cluster of stars catches my attention. They shine so brightly, and I don’t know why, but they remind me of my parents.

Papà? Mama? Are you here with me? Are you watching this?

You’d be so happy for me. You’d love Ella… she’s the gentlest of angels. And the fiercest of queens.

In the near silence of this moment, only the crackling of the fire can be heard.

This is perfect.

And I realize, it’s exactly what I want… making my angel mine with the heavens and the earth as my witness.

There are only two things that could make this moment better.

One, if Ella was finally here.

And two, if my brother was standing by my side… physically anyway.

As strange as it sounds for someone like me, I still feel him. The sense I got of Mateo this morning hasn’t left me. It’s like his gift to me on this special day, and I accept it with open arms.

The hooting of an owl brings me out of my mental revery.

Glancing at my two companions, I stride toward them.

“The girls should be here by now. What is taking them so long?” I ask no one in particular.

Claudette giggles. “Oh Tiero. You know brides are never on time. It’s all part of it. We need to keep you gents on your toes,” she teases.

Annoyed with her answer, I huff and continue my walk up and down the carpeted aisle.

What if Ella falls off the sled? Or it tumbles over? Rhia better not drive too fast.

Or what if the dogs are too excited and she can’t control them? Or they run off in the wrong direction?

I should have insisted that they take the snowmobile. It would have been safer.

And Lex should have gone with them. Fuck, what if something happens to Ella on the way here? What if there’s a wolf attack?