Page 14 of Always and Forever

“This dress makes me feel like one.”

“Here, I’ll take some pictures for Rhia.”

She snaps a few photos and while she’s busy sending them to my best friend, I twirl in front of the mirror, just like my mom did in her dress. I love how the fabric moves.

The dress is a little loose on my arms and over my shoulders while a little tight over my protruding baby bump. But that’s easily fixed. Rhia has always been handy with alterations, and I’m sure she won’t mind working her magic on this.

My bestie doesn’t take long to respond and Claudette lifts her phone to show me her screen.

Rhia: Oh my god!!! Yes, yes, yes! Get that dress. It’s perfect.

Laden with our shopping, we open the front door of our house. I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

I’m beyond happy with our find, which is carefully wrapped up in tissue paper in a box.

Not only have I got the most beautiful non-traditional wedding dress, Claudette also found a tanned fake fur shawl and hat which complements the dress and will keep me warm.

But even with the shawl, I think I’ll have to wear thermals underneath the dress if we go through with an outdoor ceremony.

I haven’t told Tiero about my idea yet. I need to pick my moment because his first reaction will be a no. Undoubtedly, he’ll be concerned about me ending up with frostbite, but he’ll come around… with a little help. He’s usually putty in my hands… or mouth.

How funny would it be to wear snow boots and long johns on our wedding day?

Claudette, Tiero and I stomp our feet outside to get rid of the snow from our shoes before entering the mudroom. I hold up my hand for them to stop when Tiero wants to pull the door to the main house open.

“Wait!” I whisper-shout.

He does, but both Claudette and he seem confused. I raise my index finger to my mouth to shush them.

Stepping closer to the door, I lean my ear against it, listening for the sounds coming from inside.


“Good,” I say, but both my fiancé and my now official marriage officiant still have the same curious expression on their faces.

“I think the coast is clear. Rhia is loud. If they were still at it, we’d know about it.”

Both my companions raise their eyebrows. “I’ve walked in on them too many times. I’m scarred!” I explain.

Laughing, Claudette throws the door open, yelling, “Darlings, we’re home.”

I needn’t have worried. When we enter the living room, Rhia sits on the sofa cross-legged with a notebook and her iPad on her lap, while Lex sits behind her, reading a book.

It all looks very innocent, but the rosy glow on both their faces and the smell of window cleaner hanging in the air gives them away.

I’m so happy some things never change. Consistency is key, right? And a certain level of predictability is comforting.

Rhia jumps up when she sees us and prances over to us. Yes, I said prance, because that’s the energy radiating from her. She’s like a happy little pony.

“You’ve got a dress!” she exclaims happily. “It’s stunning.”

Taking my hands, she twirls us in a circle until I get dizzy and sway unsteadily on my feet.

Tiero is there the moment he notices and sweeps me into his arms. Head still spinning, he deposits me in an armchair and heads to the kitchen to get me a glass of water.

I love this man!

“Oops. Sorry, El,” Rhia apologizes. “Sometimes, I forget you’re pregnant.”