Page 24 of Mars

Shooter winced, looking at a point over Bellarose’s shoulder where Atlas stood at his wife’s side.“Sorry, man.I just don’t like the idea of the women being anywhere near a group of men if there’s a possibility there might be fighting.”He shook his head.“I meant no disrespect.”

“We fight for our families,” Bellarose said.“To the death.”No one argued with the woman.She’d lost her unborn child when we’d been attacked several months back.Eagle’s woman, Nyla, had men after her.They’d attacked the compound with drones carrying explosives.Bellarose had been injured and lost her baby during the attack.If she wanted to fight for those she considered family, no one was going to stop her.

“With that settled, let’s ride.”Sting led the rest of us to the yard where our bikes were ready.We’d be behind the Grim Road procession, putting us between them and escape.No one was leaving this compound until we’d extracted our pound of flesh for Hammer’s treatment of Scarlet.

I mounted and started my bike, Scarlet securely behind me.She wrapped her arms around my waist and I took off.Ten minutes later, we pulled up to the barn.It was a structure in the middle of a field lined with thick woods on all sides.Only a dirt road was cut through the trees to allow us to bring vehicles through to the secluded field.This was where we brought someone we intended to take apart.I hoped Hammer was the only one we had to take care of, but I knew the Iron Tzars were ready and able to take care of more if it was necessary.

When we all parked, lined up in a solid row blocking the entrance to the road from the field, Sting led us toward the barn.The Grim Road members stood shoulder to shoulder in a show of force even in unfamiliar territory.

“I gotta give it to ‘em,” Roman said softly, never taking his eyes off the group of fourteen men we approached.“They got balls the size of Texas.”

Sting grunted but said nothing.

As we drew closer, I could feel the tension in the air, like a hot, electric charge that had everyone on edge.The sun was setting behind us, casting long shadows across the field and painting the sky in deep oranges and purples.It was a beautiful scene, but also gave a portent of the violence that was about to take place.

Scarlet’s body tensed behind me.She was always brave, but I knew she was scared.Most women would be in her place.Then I glanced down at her and I’ll be Goddamned if my cock didn’t get hard as fucking diamond.No.If Scarlet was scared, she didn’t show it.She looked fucking furious.

“Woman, you better put that face away.”

She jerked her head in my direction, meeting my gaze with that lingering fierceness still firmly planted on her features.It was muted now in her surprise at my comment, but still there nonetheless.“What?”

“Your face.You look like you’re about to carve someone’s liver out.Makes me hard and now ain’t the time.”

Now she looked annoyed.“Well, it’s the only face I got so deal with it.”

It took all my control not to bark out a laugh.Last thing I wanted to do was set someone off.But it was hard.

“Don’t think I don’t know this is your killin’ field, Sting.Got a similar place of my own.”Rocket, a man I’d considered a comrade in arms, went toe to toe with my president.“You think you can take us all?”

“Scarlet, come here.”Claw bit out his command and I felt Scarlet move beside me, like she was going to obey his command without question.Instead, she stopped and took a tight grip on my arm.It didn’t escape my notice that she’d left my hand free, making it easy for me to snag a weapon if necessary.Girl knew what she was about.

“I’m sorry, Claw.”She used her father’s road name instead of addressing him in a more familiar manner.“I’m not going back with Grim Road.Or Hammer.”

Claw narrowed his eyes, then glanced at Hammer before settling on Scarlet once more but said nothing.Sting nodded at Hammer.

“Don’t know if we can take you all.”Sting continued the narrative he and Rocket had going on, not acknowledging Scarlet or Claw at all.She shrugged.“I’m willing to bet we could give it a good show, though.Besides, we’re only interested in takin’ out one of your people.”He pointed to Hammer.“Leave him here and you can go your way.Or you can fight for him.Makes no Goddamn difference to me.But that man don’t leave this compound alive.”

“You know that’s not happening, Sting.He’s Grim Road.We don’t give up one of our own.”I knew from my experience with Rocket he had as little give to him as Sting did.Which was to say, none.

“Are you fully aware of the situation, Rocket?Do you know what’s going on?”

Rocket shrugged.“I got one side of it.That’s the reason we’re here talking instead of us wiping your entire club off the map.”

Sting gave the man a humorless bark of laughter.“That sure of yourselves?I get it.And yeah.I know at least some of what your club is.Not all, but enough to know you’re true badasses.So, yeah.You might be able to take us all.But you’d betray every fuckin’ thing you stood for and that’s not the Grim Road I’ve been told about.”

Rocket grinned.“Guess we need to hear the other side then, huh?That why you let your women tag along?Or you plannin’ on hiding behind them?”

Surprisingly, Iris was the one who spoke up.She stood at Sting’s side, though the president put himself slightly in front of her in a protective stance.“Their women are here to support Scarlet.”She spoke in as hard a voice as Sting could.She might be young, but Iris was definitely an MC president’s old lady.“She’s one of us and we’ll lay down our lives to protect her.Same as the rest of the club will.You were quick to declare Hammer one of you.Of your family.One would think you’d give your vice president’s daughter the same fucking respect.”

“And no one let us do anything.”The voice came from behind me.“We do what we want and we choose to stand with Scarlet, you bitchass motherfucker.”I thought I heard Wylde groan behind me.Probably because the woman who spoke now was Lemon.Who most decidedly shouldn’t be here.

“Bloody hell,” Wylde muttered.“The day’s goin’ to shit now.”

Rocket and Claw’s attention both swung to the girl in question.Rocket looked amused.Claw, annoyed.

“You lettin’ kids dictate the way Iron Tzars does things, Sting?”Rocket delivered the words like a rebuke, but Sting just shrugged it off.

“I know my people, Rocket.No one corrals Lemon if she doesn’t want to be corralled.By the way, Claw, you owe Scarlet’s life to that little spitfire.If it hadn’t been for her, Scarlet would be dead.”