Page 27 of Mars

“You’re such a Goddamned liar,” Lemon muttered, raising an eyebrow to look straight at Hammer.“I saw it.Me.I saw you kicking her while she was on the floor.I saw you backhand her, though you mostly kicked and punched her torso.Probably to keep the obvious evidence of the abuse to a minimum.The only reason I didn’t intervene is because Breaker over there” -- she hiked a thumb at the big biker in question --”thought he’d get his ass handed to him by Sting if we busted in, we couldn’t stop you, and I got hurt.He opted to bring back backup and get me to safety.”Lemon gave Breaker an annoyed look.“Which, I get it, Breaker.I really do.Under normal circumstances I’d have been mostly OK with it, but it nearly cost Scarlet her life.”

“You sayin’ I nearly beat her to death?”Hammer snorted out a laugh.“That’s an outright lie.”

Lemon shook her head and immediately continued.“Didn’t say that, you bastard.What happened next isn’t something I can tell.Ain’t my story.But suffice it to say, Scarlet would do anything --anything-- to keep her sisters safe.”

That got Claw’s attention good and proper.“What do her sisters got to do with this?”

“Everything,” I said before I could stop myself.This was my moment.I’d always been in the background because I understood what Grim Road did.What it stood for.That meant they had to have all their concentration focused in the right area.But it was my sisters who were in danger.Lemon was right.I’d do what it took to make sure they never went through what I had.I pointed an accusing finger at Hammer.“If anyone manipulated anyone, it was Hammer.He threatened to hurt Sunshine and Rainbow if I didn’t do what he said.”

My dad shook his head.“He wouldn’t do that.”

I stuck up my chin.“You sayin’ you don’t believe me?That I’d lie to you?”


“No, Claw.”I shook my head almost violently, my temper finally redlining the way it should have with Hammer months ago.“There isn’t any in-between.Either you believe me or you don’t.If you don’t, then I have no father anymore.”The more I spoke, the angrier I got.I felt Mars land a gentle hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged him off.“That man, Hammer, the man you gave me to, terrorized me from the day we left Riviera Beach.He beat me.Dislocated my shoulder.Kept me isolated from my family.Did you even call to check on me after the first few weeks?”

“I did,” Claw said, looking shocked.I wasn’t sure if it was the info dump I was laying on him or the fact that I was asserting myself against him.

“You didn’t think it odd that you never got to talk to me?”

“Scarlet, honey.We were in the middle of a really bad situation --”

“So bad you didn’t care to make sure your daughter was safe?What about my sisters?You gonna do them the same way?Because, if you are, I’ll come at Grim Road like a tidal wave and destroy everything I possibly can before you have to kill me.”

My dad looked like I’d just gutted him.In fact, he staggered backward before clutching his chest and falling to one knee.“I’d never hurt you, honey.Never in a million years.”

“Yeah?”I stepped closer to him, giving Hammer a wide berth.I needn’t have bothered because Mars was right at my shoulder between me and my own personal nightmare.“Then why didn’t you insist on speaking to me?Directly to me.”It was a demand more than a question and I knew I was skating on thin ice.At least, in any other situation I would be.

“I’m so sorry, honey.”He reached for me, still on his knee.When I stepped back, not letting him touch me, he looked like he’d been gutted.“Scarlet…”

“Answer me!”I yelled at my father.Never in my life had I shown so much disrespect to him.Never wanted to.He was my father.Larger than life.Until the months Hammer had me, I’d never questioned the fact that he loved me.

“I’m sorry.I was so focused on --”

“Everything but my well-being?I get it.”He shook his head, but I plowed on.“Was Hammer right?Were you so disappointed my mother didn’t have boys that you killed her after the twins were born?Is that the reason you abandoned me to Hammer?Because I was of no use to you?”I didn’t really believe what Hammer had told me, but this had to be done now.If for no other reason than to restore my faith in my father.

Claw threw back his head and roared his anger and rage.Hammer took a step sideways, but two members of Grim Road had already blocked his path should he decide to try a retreat.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill you, Hammer!”Claw got to his feet now, his hands balled into fists.He advanced on Hammer.To his credit, Hammer played the part well.I wanted to scratch his fucking eyes out.

“If you really think I’d say such a thing, then do your worst, Claw.I was good to Scarlet.She’s just upset because you sent us away.She didn’t want to leave home and took out her anger and frustration on me.Then along came these fuckers and she got strange ideas in her head.”He waved his hand toward Mars.“I’m completely loyal to you and Grim Road.”

Claw barely let Hammer finish before he punched him in the gut.Hammer doubled over, but stayed on his feet.Surprisingly, Claw didn’t do anything else other than get up in Hammer’s face nose to nose.“You’re fixin’ to fuckin’ die, motherfucker.My advice is to make peace with whatever deity you worship.Because Sting’s right.You ain’t leavin’ this compound alive.”

“You’re really takin’ the word of a brainwashed kid over me?I realize she’s your daughter, but I’ve always been loyal to Grim Road.To you and Rocket.I had one lapse in good sense, but I stayed true, even after Madina was dead.”Hammer sounded so reasonable I’d have questioned my own judgment if I hadn’t still had sore ribs to prove he was lying.I nearly missed the fact he’d used my mother’s name, but figured it was because their enemies had gotten to her.

“I am.”Claw didn’t hesitate.

“Then at least take me back to my home territory to kill me.”Hammer lifted his chin.Like he was being brave or something.But I noticed the sweat bead over his forehead.“I should have the right to die at home.”

“And give you a chance to escape or call in reinforcements?”Lemon chuckled.“Not bloody likely.They don’t do it, Iron Tzars will take all y’all out.”

“That’s enough, Lemon.”Sting’s voice was hard this time.There was no indulgence like there usually was.He was all the president of Iron Tzars now.“You don’t make those decisions for the club, and you know it.”

Lemon bared her teeth at Hammer.I could just imagine the thoughts running through her head.As if she’d read my mind, she amended her statement.“If Iron Tzars won’t, I will.And before you doubt I have the ability, I’ll remind you what happens when you underestimate me.”

“Now’s not the time, Lemon,” Wylde said softly.“You’ll get your turn.”