Andro tucked one hand under his opposite armpit and held it in place as he looked toward the window. “You will not work for your family anymore. I doubt they’d allow it, and I am not going to allow you in their presence without a personal guard.” He cocked his head to the side and seemed to be considering the alternative. “But if you want to continue to work in some capacity and maintain a relationship with them, that’s probably fine. It might even create some sort of truce between our fathers. But your family has to agree to treat you with respect.”

I choked out a sad laugh of sorts. “I don’t think that could ever happen, but I should talk to him, at least.” I bit my lip and looked down at Andro’s hand, wishing it were still touching mine. “I’ll call him, and we can tell him we’ve been seeing each other and couldn’t hide it any longer. When he freaks out, I’ll let him talk to you. Or your dad.”

Andro grimaced. “Oh, yeah, my dad. That’s going to be another interesting conversation.”



I hunted down Louie and found him in the study, reading an actual hardcover book of all things. I shoved his shoulder to get his attention. “He said yes.”

“No shit. He’s actually gonna do it?” He dog-eared the book—a travesty—and set it down, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Yeah. I told you he has a shitty life.” I grinned. “He seemed okay with pissing off his family, as long as he’s under our protection.”

Louie nodded in agreement. “Well, as your mate, he’ll definitely be under our protection. But, damn. You kidnap somebody, and he still fucking agrees to marry you.” My brother laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I need you to rub some of that game on me. I got none.”

I rolled my eyes, inwardly proud of his praise. “You’ve got plenty of game, Bro. The entire harem fights to be with you every night.”

He sobered up, and his face took on a serious expression. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

I reached for a shoulder and gave him a little shake. “I know you’re looking for something more, and you’ll find it. I’m sure of it.” My gentle squeeze got a little firmer, and I dug my thumb into his muscle, giving him my version of a shoulder nuggie. “Until then, you’ve got a gaggle of beautiful boys to fuck anytime you want.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I guess there’s that.”

Our family, like most of the wealthier families that ran in our circles, kept a harem of omegas on staff. They lived in a wing of the main house and were available to any of the alphas with an itch to scratch. There were a few I called on a few times a month, but I didn’t use them as prolifically as my brothers did.

I preferred to go out to a club and meet a stranger for a quick fuck in the bathroom, rather than getting comfortable with somebody in my home. Which was why I never wanted to get married.

It was not uncommon for the omegas in the harem to catch feelings. When that happened, they had to be let go.

Another reason to avoid marriage–feelings.

Considering my life was about to change dramatically, I wasn’t as worried as I thought I’d be. Joey was an attractive man, and if I was stuck with anybody, he was a damn good option. He’d seen what it took to run a business like ours, so he would understand when I came home with blood-soaked shirts and busted knuckles.

“So, can you help me plan a wedding on the DL?”

Louie scoffed. “Seriously? You’re just gonna do it without telling anyone?”

“Dad wants an announcement tomorrow, and I’m gonna give him one… That I’m already married. No one has time for family-feud nonsense. We just need to find a priest who’s discreet, a witness, maybe one of the omegas, and…the marriage license. I want this to be completely legit, leaving Dad no room to question anything.”

Louie already had his phone out and was taking notes. “I’ll send this to Bobby. He can get everybody that we need out here. He can also research the license process. Maybe we can just take care of that online. We have enough connections at city hall that something can probably be fast-tracked.”

I looked at my watch. It was already two in the afternoon. “Do you think we can make this happen before midnight?”

My brother sighed but then nodded his head. “Yeah, probably. You and Joey need to figure out what you’re wearing.”

“What we were wearing last night should be fine.” It wasn’t like this was the wedding of the year. We just needed to make it official, and we didn’t need special clothes for that.

“Fair enough. Anyone else you wanna invite? Orsino? He’ll be pissed if he’s not included.”

My middle brother was closest to my dad and was the most likely to rat me out in a situation like this, but I wanted him there too. “Yeah, wait til the last minute to get him out here. Right before the ceremony is gonna start so he doesn’t have time to tell anyone until it’s over.”

“You got it, boss.” He winked as he started to walk away.

“I’m not the boss yet. And when I am, you don’t have to call me that.”

He just chuckled to himself and saluted me with two fingers as he left the room. “Whatever you say, boss.”