Being stuck with Joey didn’t sound too bad. The alliance was not happening, though. “It might be okay. If I can figure out a way to make this happen, will you help me?”

“Figure out what way?” He looked at me in complete disbelief. An expression I had earned, apparently. “Do you think you’re gonna talk Joey into marrying you in the next couple hours? I wouldn’t count on it. Honestly, he’ll probably just tell his dad, and you’d be starting another fucking war. We don’t need an alliance with them.”

“I’m not suggesting one. More like a kidnapping…”

Louie’s eyes bulged. “Are you insane? That’s not possible.”

“I know.” He was right. I heaved out a sigh and balled my hands into fists. “But if I do think of a way that will work, will you help me?”

My younger brother just rolled his eyes. “You know I will. Just be smart and try not to get us all killed in the process. That omega should be thankful to get out of their clutches. At least with us, he’d be safe.”

I liked to consider myself as being the smart one in the family, but that didn’t always prove to be true. In fact, I was about to do something really, really stupid.

But I was desperate.

And when a man was desperate, he couldn’t be trusted to make good decisions. At least, that was what I was telling myself when I decided to follow Joey Santoro into the bathroom.

I grabbed my brother’s arm as I started walking. “Come with me.”

“What are we doing?” He looked around, on guard as if we were under attack.

We weren’t, but somebody else was about to be. “I’m gonna do it.”

“Do what?” Louie looked at me like I was out of my mind. “You’re talking in circles, Bro. Just tell me what we’re doing. You know I’m in.”

I rolled my eyes and hung back as Joey entered the men’s room. “We’re taking Joey Santoro.”

“What the fuck do you mean by taking? Taking him where?”

I shoved Louie into the corner so we wouldn’t be overheard. “I’m taking him to the lake house. I’m gonna go into the bathroom and make sure he’s alone. If he is, I’ll ask him to talk with meoutside.” It was a shit plan, and one I’d made up on the fly. But it felt right. If this worked, I’d be saving both our asses.

“And if he’s not alone or won’t go?” Louie rounded on me to capture my full attention. “Then what are you gonna do?”

“Well, that’s where you come in. I might need your help knocking him out and getting him into the car.”

My brother rolled his eyes, not at all on board with the plan. “Seriously, Andro. This is the best you can come up with? You have a line of guys eager to marry you. You want the only one you have to kidnap? It has to be this particular one?”

I took exactly two seconds to solidify my decision before I nodded and stepped toward the bathroom. “Yep. He’s the guy. If Dad is making me do this, then he’s gonna have to suffer the consequences.”

The bathroom door was swinging shut behind me before my brother could protest any further.

Joey was standing at a urinal when I walked in. He glanced over and saw me, and I could almost feel his body tense when he realized it was me.

I flashed a quick smile, then walked all the way through the space to make sure we were completely alone. The stalls were are all empty, so I went to the sink and washed my hands.

Joey finished up and met me at the sink, doing his best to ignore me as he washed up.

I cleared my throat and went for it. “Can I have a word with you? Outside.” I wasn’t sure if I’d ever actually spoken to the omega, though we’d exchanged plenty of looks over the years.

He looked at me and then checked the mirror to see if I was talking to someone else. “Me? You want to talk to me?”

I grinned. Flirting with him was easy. He was freaking adorable, with his too-long hair that curled and flopped over his forehead. His day-old stubble would leave a beard-burn on my thighs. “Yeah, you. Is that so hard to believe?”

He turned off the water and shook out his hands in the sink. “Kinda. No one really has meetings with me. Are you sure you don’t need one of my brothers?”

I hated that he believed all the shit they put in his head. “No, I want to talk to you, Joey. Follow me?”

“Um… I’ll try.” He dried off and then looked down at the floor, wringing that damp paper towel between his hands. “If my dad or brothers see us talking, they’ll be pretty pissed.”