“That’s a good one.”

“And there’s also Samson.” I had a short list but couldn’t decide.

“What about Andro?” he countered.

I laughed and shook my head. “There are enough Andros in the house.”

Though I had a lot of nausea, it was usually accompanied by bouts of intense hunger, a wave of which I was feeling just then. I got up to get a snack when I felt a slight pop and a gush of water. My eyes widened, and I turned to look at my husband.

“It's time,” he said as he hopped up from the bed.

“Who's going to clean that up?”

“Someone else.” He swept me into his arms, holding me up.

I looked down at his sexy body on full display. “You're still naked!”

He set me down then grabbed a pair of sweatpants and slipped them on. A moment later, he picked me up again and rushed me across the hall. He paged the doctor, and within a few minutes, the doctor and nurses both arrived.

Connor was waiting outside the door with Louie. Andro didn't want anyone in the room with us while I was in labor, but Connor was still my closest friend, and I wanted him nearby.

“You’re progressing quite nicely. I’m glad you went into labor on your own. As long as you keep going this well, we should be able to meet this little guy before the end of the day.” The doctor held both ends of the stethoscope hanging around his neck.

“End of the day! How about now?” I couldn’t wait much longer. “My water broke. Shouldn't I be in labor now?”

“Not always,” the doctor said. “It can take several hours for your body to open completely and active labor to begin.”

I was about to complain about more of the waiting game, but a contraction hit, and I cried out at the jolt of pain that radiated from the base of my spine.

“See that. Looks like you’re going to be one of the lucky few who go through labor quickly.” He watched the screen that was monitoring the contractions. “Goodness, that is a big one.”

“Yeah, I know I can feel it.”

The doctor chuckled.

I would have been annoyed if things didn’t go from casually waiting to frantic in the next few minutes. Pain like I’d never imagined was quickly replaced by a numbness that was almost more frightening.

One second, everyone was yelling at me to push and then stop and then breathe and then push some more. And then it was all over. A baby wailed, and my husband pressed his forehead to mine, confirming that all was okay. “You did it, sweetheart. Theodore is here…and he’s perfect.”

“Are you sure?” I tried to get a good look at him as the nurse weighed and measured him, but there was a lot of activity. “I need to see him.”

“Here you go, Daddy.” The nurse placed my squirmy baby across my chest and then covered him with a blanket. “We’ll get you all cleaned up while you meet the little brute who has been practicing karate with your bladder for all these months.”

“Theodore.” I rubbed my nose over his soft cheek and inhaled his scent. “I’m so happy to finally hold you in my arms.”

Andro was right there, wrapping his arm protectively over both of us. “I love you so much, sweetheart. You and Theo are my world now. Now and forever.”

I swallowed back the emotion building in my throat. “I love you, Andro. Now and forever.”



The baby monitor lit up the room in a red glow just a fraction of a second before I heard the cry. “I’ll get it, sweetheart. You get some rest.”

“Thanks, babe.” Joey was already pulling a pillow to his chest to replace my body. “Bring him here if he’s hungry.”

Theo was a great sleeper, and at six months old, he usually didn’t require a second feeding at night. Sometimes, he just wanted to hang out with me. At least, that was what I told myself when I saw his eyes light up the second I walked into his nursery. “Hey, buddy. What’s with all the screaming?”