His expression froze, as hard and brittle as ice. “How little do you know?”

“Next to nothing.” I squared my shoulders. “Enlighten me.”

“They come from Constantinople, though they claim to be older than the Ottoman Empire itself, and will likely outlast it at this rate.”

“Constantinople? I’ve never been.”

“I spent many years there.” He met my gaze again, his eyes glinting.

“Why are you running from the Order?”

“Because I refuse to go back. Why do you fight for the Archmages of Vienna?”


He laughed. “My compliments on the Hex. It really keeps these rebels in line.”

The Hex had been cast by the Archmages of Vienna to negate gunpowder and stop a war. Fighting back, the rebellion against the empire had switched overnight to medieval weaponry and magic. We all had.

Wendel smirked as he kept talking. “Though the Transylvanians have a knack with scythes, pitchforks, and butcher’s knives.”

I winced. “A butcher’s knife got you?”

“Yes,” he said airily.

“God.” My wince deepened.

“The Hex almost makes me miss guns. I was a good shot, you know.”

“Why are you in Transylvania?” I asked. “You’re a long way from home.”

Wendel’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Constantinople isn’t home. And the last time I checked, the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary were allies. Which means, conveniently, we’re allies.”

“Good. I won’t have to drag you to Vienna.”

He arched his eyebrows. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Just doing my job,” I deadpanned.

A bitter wind stung my skin and flung my hair into my eyes. I braided it over my shoulder without even looking.

“How far have you strayed from home?” he asked.

I sighed. “You think I look exotic, and you want to know where I’mreallyfrom.”

Everyone commented on my tawny lion-colored hair and unmistakably Chinese eyes. Some men even coveted me as if I were a rare jewel to collect.

“You have an American accent,” he said, switching to flawless English.


“And you’re beautiful.”

His words fizzed like champagne in my stomach. It was impossible not to react to such a gorgeous, dangerous man. But I couldn’t let him have more power over me.

“Don’t waste your time on flattery with me.”

“It isn’t flattery if it’s true.”