“I need a bath.”

He wasn’t even looking at me while he undressed, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away. He unbuckled his belt. The masculine strength of his arms mesmerized me. Every vein and tendon was a work of art. He turned his back on me before I glimpsed his cock, and I was instead rewarded by his muscular ass.

God, he was gorgeous.

He strolled to the bathroom without a backward glance. “Care to join me?”


He walked into the bathroom without me, leaving the door ajar.

I didn’t follow him, even though desire pounded inside my aching body. If I did, I would be crossing the point of no return. Nothing would ever be the same again. The sound of rushing water focused my attention.

Unable to resist, I spied on him through the crack in the door.

The luxury of the bathroom should have been dazzling, with its slabs of milk-white marble and gleaming copper fixtures, but his naked body was breathtaking. He wasn’t in the clawfoot bathtub, but instead in the marble alcove of the shower. Rivulets trickled down the lean muscles in his abdomen and the sharp vee of his hips.

His cock bobbed as it hardened.

I stared, transfixed, gripping the doorframe.

He began washing himself. I had never been so jealous of a bar of soap before. His strong hands thoroughly worked the length of his shaft. He let his head fall back against the marble, his eyes halfway closed.


Watching him pleasure himself felt forbidden. “I can go.”

He locked stares with me. “Don’t.”

My fingernails bit into the wood of the doorframe. He kept touching himself, his eyes drunk with lust, his lips slightly parted. His knuckles tightened as he jacked himself off, rougher and quicker than I expected.

A groan escaped his clenched teeth. The muscles in his abdomen tensed, and he cupped his balls with his other hand.

He didn’t stop until he came in great spurts across the marble.

Never breaking eye contact with me.

Pearly white dripped down the shower and his hand. He fell back against the wall and struggled to catch his breath. Water washed away the evidence of his pleasure. I had a secret urge to lick him clean instead.

“I can’t stop thinking of you,” he confessed. “Night after night, I stroked myself in my fist, desperate for any relief.”

“Even on the train?”



“The bathroom. In the sink and across the mirror.” He laughed, a raspy sound. “It took me a long time to clean it all.”

Imagining him coming again and again filled my mind with filthy images. My legs turned liquid with desire. I had never been so aroused in my life.Fuck it.I shoved open the door and crossed the threshold.

He walked out of the shower, dripping wet, and dragged me into his arms. His mouth collided with mine in a kiss.

He broke the kiss long enough to say, “Tell me what you want.”


“You want me to fuck you?”