The undead man advanced at a shambling run and turned on his former comrades. The captain hacked at him with his saber, but it took several swings before he felled the undead.

Three rebels left. They started to panic.

“Find the necromancer!”

“I don’t see him anywhere, Captain.”

“God, do you hear the crows?”

The whooshing of wings and caws foretold the arrival of the sleek black birds. A murder of crows perched in the trees. Theysurrounded the necromancer. Shadows tattered and fell away from him.

The rebels crossed themselves and gibbered prayers. Their captain stared at Wendel, transfixed, like a mouse before a viper.

“Run,” I said, “or we will kill you all.”

Wendel spread his arms. “And I will bring you back.”

The rebels fled to their truck. They leapt inside the cab, gunned the engine, and roared off the railroad. Slush sprayed beneath the tires. The truck fishtailed and careened until it found the gravel road, then sped into the night.

I grinned at Wendel, giddy from our victory. “We won.”

He smiled back, still breathing hard. Crows wheeled overhead. The sulfuric tang of gunpowder lingered in the air.

“So many crows,” I said. “I wonder why.”

He cocked his head. “You haven’t heard the stories? Crows are an omen of evil. When you see them, death isn’t far behind.”

“They can sense your necromancy?”

“Yes.” He smirked. “If it were up to me, I would have chosen a quieter omen.”

When Wendel walked back to the train, I followed without thinking, like I had followed his lead in battle.

“I’m impressed,” he said.

“By what?”

“You fought well.”

Adrenaline still sang in my blood. My muscles were shaking from unspent energy. When he touched my shoulder, I stopped and stared at him. Waiting. My mind stopped functioning with him so close.

Thank you. Say thank you.

“Ardis,” he murmured.

By the light of the moon, his eyes looked smoky green on the edge of gray. Why was he so heartbreakingly beautiful? His gazeraked my body before lingering on my mouth. His lips parted though he didn’t speak.

Tension froze between us like ice.

It shattered when I kissed him.

He returned the kiss with hard ferocity, as if he still wanted to defeat me in combat. His fingers twisted in my hair and held me exactly where he wanted me. His other hand pressed into the curve of my lower back, a possessive imprint over my spine.

He wanted to conquer my body.

I gripped his shirt with my fists and held on. When I arched my hips, desperate to find his hard cock, he growled and trapped me against the train. The heat of his body scalded mine and overrode the feeling of cold steel.

The crows took flight, cawing, and whirled overhead.