“He’s a brilliant man, one of Germany’s finest engineers. However, he has been disloyal to his homeland.”

I kept any judgment from my face. “Oh?”

Margareta thinned her lips as if her words tasted sour. “Diesel was a student at the Royal Bavarian Polytechnic of Munich, but he was born in Paris and spent some of his childhood in London. Now he plans to journey back to London for a crucial meeting of the Consolidated Diesel Engine Manufacturers.”

That sounded reasonable to me, though I stayed quiet.

“Diesel’s desire to help the British engineers has earned him the wrath of several powerful people within the German Empire. We suspect that there is a plot to…convincehim of his loyalty to Germany, and it could end rather badly unless we protect him. The Archmages of Vienna have agreed that we should prevent this.”

I glanced into her eyes. “You want me to be his bodyguard?”

Margareta smiled. “You always have a knack for stating things plainly. Diesel’s steamer leaves from Antwerp on Monday evening.”

“I’ll do it.”

“Good.” She handed me an envelope. “Here are details about the mission. You may go.”

I slipped the envelope into my jacket pocket. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“And Ardis? Be careful with the necromancer.”

I squared my shoulders. “Just to be clear, ma’am, what are you requesting?”

“Don’t do anything that will jeopardize Project Lazarus.”

“I don’t know enough about Project Lazarus to know what will jeopardize it.”

Her eyes hardened. “We need to keep the necromancer happy. He appears to trust you. Don’t betray his trust.”

For a moment, I thought she might forbid me from fucking him.

I exhaled. “Where can I find Wendel?”

“That’s confidential.”

“Well, that’s inconvenient.”

Margareta heaved a long-suffering sigh. “I will send word for him to meet you in the entrance hall. You are dismissed.”

“Thank you.”

When I returned to the entrance hall, Wendel met me only fifteen minutes later. That meant Project Lazarus had to be located nearby.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. “Are you ready?”

“Very.” He twisted his mouth. “Konstantin is addicted to work.”

“I’m sure I’m not allowed to ask you about it.”

“Definitely not.” Wendel held the door for me. Together, we stepped into the evening. “Which is why I would love to tell you more over dinner.”

I let out my breath in a rush. “Today has been a long fucking day.”

“What happened?”

“Some asshole in a brewpub. He attacked me in the alley out back.”

Wendel’s hand caught my elbow. He stopped us both on the street. “Attacked?”