All four were stunning.

“I was thinking these, in black. Now I’ve called the designer and they can have them done in two weeks. They just need to take our measurements, so I made an appointment for Saturday. What do you ladies think?”

Her suggestion was met with approval all around the table.

“Yay!” She grinned excitedly.

Cassidy leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek. “Thank you for being such an incredible maid of honor.”

Daisy waved her off. “One day you’ll return the favor… if I ever find Mr. Right in this godforsaken town.”

“Who are you bringing to the wedding?” Cassidy asked.

Before she could answer, Chance, Bull, Maverick, and Ruger walked into the clubhouse. Immediately my heart took off in my chest. All four of them were huge men. I’m talking mountain man huge. And it was no surprise people turned to look at them when they walked in. But it was Ruger who had the biggest presence about him. Big and muscular, he looked like a Viking ready to take on a foe. His size commanded attention and it was no wonder women were only too willing to drop their panties for him.

Being fucking gorgeous helped, too.

I licked my lips and told myself to stop looking, but I couldn’t tear my eyes off him.

“So, I was thinking about asking Ruger,” Daisy said.

My eyes darted to her.

“Ruger?” I spoke before I could stop myself.

“Yeah. I mean, why not? The guy is hot. Look at him.”

“He’s fucking hot,” Honey agreed. “If I weren’t with Caleb, I would climb that man like he was a tree and I was a hungry bear.”

We all looked at her.

“What? Just because I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t look at the menu.” She shrugged.

I turned back to Daisy. “I didn’t realize you were interested in him.”

“Are you kidding me?” She sighed dreamily. “Every time I see him I have this unreasonable urge to lick him. You know what I mean?”

I glared at her.


I knew what she meant.

It was like my unreasonable urge to punch her in the face at that very moment.

“You should ask him,” Indy said to her.

“I agree,” Cassidy added.

I looked at Honey expecting her to do the same. But Honey was already looking at me. And she knew. I could see it in her eyes. She goddamn knew I was in love with Ruger.

“You know what,” she said, shifting her gaze to Daisy. “I think you should keep your options open.”

I wanted to kiss her. To throw my arms around her neck and thank her.

But more than that, I had a sudden urge to confide in her.

Honey wasn’t the judgmental type. Her easy-going nature naturally aligned with Caleb’s laid-back attitude. They were a good fit.

If any of my brothers were going to be okay about me and Ruger dating, it would be Caleb.

Chance and Cade would probably get all protective and alpha-ish about it.

And my Uncle Bull would be even less forgiving.

Not that there was anything going on. Just the fantasies of a love-struck roomie.

I looked across at Ruger and thought about all the things I wanted to do with him. To him. I was desperate to feel his lips on me again. To feel his body so close to mine that I was engulfed in the masculine warmth that was pure him. I wanted to feel him on top of me and nestled between my legs. I wanted to feel him push into me. To fill me. To make me come with his powerful body.

“Why don’t you go over there and ask him?” Cassidy suggested, but before anyone could reply, she let out a deep breath and ran her hand over her belly. “Boy, this one is active today.”

“Are you okay?” Honey asked.

“Yeah, she’s just active, is all.”

We all looked at her.

“Wait, you said she’s active. Are you telling us you’re having a girl?” Daisy gasped.

Realizing she’d let the cat out of the bag, Cassidy tried to calm the sudden excitement around the table.

“Don’t say anything! I only just found out this morning. Chance doesn’t even know!”

“How are you going to tell him?” Indy asked.

“He’s going to be so excited!” Honey added.

“I don’t know, I was thinking of getting him naked, and just when he thinks the night can’t get any better, floor him with the news.”

Indy picked up her glass of iced water to toast the idea. “Spoken like a true Queen of Mayhem.”

When I didn’t raise my glass like my sister-in-laws because I was so distracted by Ruger standing over at the bar looking every possible shade of sin (and because I distanced myself from all conversations that included any of my brothers being naked), Honey nudged my foot under the table.

“I’m sorry, cheers…” I grabbed my ice water and we clinked glasses, although I was only vaguely aware of what was going on.