Inside, the house was still but the kitchen light was on and I figured Chastity was probably in bed. I tried to be as quiet as I could and sat down at the kitchen table to take off my boots.

That’s when I saw the cupcake on the kitchen counter with a candle sticking out of the icing. I got up and walked over to it, warmth spreading through me. Chastity had done this for my birthday.

“I was going to surprise you.”

Her voice came from behind me. I swung around and there she was, standing in the doorway, dressed in a pair of tiny shorts and a flimsy tank top that did nothing to hide her flawless body. My mouth went dry as a million different, yet equally carnal, scenarios rushed into my mind.

You really are a dirtbag.

“It’s late. You didn’t have to get up,” I said, doing everything to calm down what was happening behind my zipper.

“But I did… to do this.” She smiled as she came into the kitchen. Picking up a lighter from the table, she lit the candle on the cupcake and held it up.

“Happy birthday, Ruger.”

Our eyes met over the lit candle.

“Thanks, Chassy.”

I blew out the flame.

“Did you make a wish?” she asked.

I did.

I wished that I could have her. That there was a place for us in this world. That I could do all the things I fantasized about doing to her. That I could kiss her. Touch her. Make love to her.

“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”

Her eyes held mine.

“If you tell me, it just might.”

In that moment, I knew. My suspicions hadn’t been the fantasies of a sex-starved man. The way she was looking at me and the tone of her voice… she was taking us one step closer to the danger zone.

It was up to me to pull us back.

But it was impossible not to notice the desire in her eyes. She wanted me to touch her. To kiss her. And I was more than fucking tempted. I was fucking aching for it.

Worst of all, I was running out of strength to fight it.

Her lips fell open with a raspy breath as tension tightened in the air around us.

She took a step closer and my pulse quickened.

She licked her lips and it was all I could do not to groan.

She slid her elegant fingers up my chest and laced them around my neck.

My breath left me as lips sweeter than nectar brushed against mine.

Her mouth was so warm and tender, her tongue velvety smooth and so sweet, it was more than I could fight.

Fight this.

But I was powerless against it.

With a moan, I pulled her to me and seared my lips harder to hers. In a dizzying fog, I realized what I was doing. I understood the line I was crossing. But dear God, it was too damn hard to resist. Our kiss deepened. It was fierce, and hard, and demanding. It was also so fucking out of this world, my mind spun on its axis.

Using every ounce of strength I had, I broke it off.

She looked up at me, slightly dazed, her eyes hooded and full of lust, her beautiful lips parted and wet.

“I’ve got an early start tomorrow,” I said, fighting the urge to kiss her again. But her lips were so plump and ready for the taking, I couldn’t help myself. With a growl, I kissed her again, deeply, breathlessly, my heart pounding, my cock thickening. I was getting lost in her. This was going too far. But goddamn, I couldn’t stop. Without breaking our kiss, I slumped on the chair and she slid her thighs over mine to straddle me.

She whimpered against my lips, her pussy grinding over my groin as she rocked against the hard outline of my cock. I clasped her luscious ass against me, enjoying the friction and wanting nothing more than to rip those tiny shorts off and bury myself deep and hard into her.

I had finally lost my mind.

But dear God, if this was insanity, then sign me up and give me the t-shirt because I couldn’t stop.

It was the sudden shrill of my phone that broke the spell and brought me crashing back down to Earth.

I looked at it vibrating on the table. It was Bull. But I didn’t answer it. How could I when I had his niece rubbing her sweet pussy over me? When she was kissing me into a frenzy and I was moments from tearing off her panties?

When it stopped ringing, I looked at Chastity. We had crossed the line.

And we had enjoyed every step.

But the spell was broken, and as reality crept back in, the air around us cooled.

Nothing more was going to happen tonight.

Or tomorrow.

Or ever.

I knew where my moment of weakness was. Now I just had to make sure I didn’t get close enough to it again.