“How can you sound so sure of yourself? Some might call it arrogance.”
He stalks closer to me as if I might flee, keeping one of his hands outstretched. “I understand why you’re afraid.”
“Of you?”
“Of mating for the first time.”
I freeze. He thinks I’m a virgin? Iwas, until I was tempted by a certain sex demon. Fuck, can I tell him the truth? And risk angering him?
I lift my chin with a cold stare. “I won’t mate with you while I’m in chains.”
“Then I should have them removed as soon as possible.”
His eyes sharpen. “You wish to mate with me so soon?”
“I wish to be unchained.”
He slides his foot closer to me. With his fingertips, he brushes my hair from my eyes. Every muscle in my body tenses.
“Wait for me here,” he says.
“Where are you going?”
“To bring back the sorceress who will unbind you.” He leans closer. “Unless you would like a taste of me before I go.”
“Kissing or fucking?” My blunt words hide the trembling in my legs.
Scaldric shakes his head. “What a dirty mouth you have, dear Pyrah.” His voice sounds husky with want. “There’s so much between kissing and fucking to explore.”
“Is there?” I pretend wide-eyed innocence.
“I’m eager to educate you.”
A shudder runs through me. I can’t deny a hint of desire uncurling below my belly. “How long will you be away?”
“No more than an hour.” His eyes glow with reflected moonlight. “Don’t even think of trying to escape your destiny.”
I bare my teeth. “You believe this is destiny? That I will inevitably fuck you?”
“Of course. I claimed you.”
What an arrogant bastard. Actually, I’ve met a bastard, and he acted better than this. Rook always respected my choice.
I grab Scaldric by the cock. He sucks in his breath, his gaze jolting to mine.
“Don’t assume anything about me.” I speak in a dangerous murmur. “I’m not a virgin and I’m not fucking you unless I want you.”
He growls low in his throat. “You lost your virginity? It was him, wasn’t it? That demon bastard seduced you.”
“The demon doesn’t matter. I’m standing here in your cave, holding your cock.”
His belly heaves as he breathes hard. “And what do you intend to do?” He echoes my own words back at me.
“That’s an excellent question.”
I’m still trembling with equal parts thrill and fear. Maybe I need to try another man to stop thinking of Rook. When I tighten my grip around him, the muscles in his thighs and ass tense. He’s fighting to stand motionless.