Page 42 of Demonic Prince

I strain to hear beyond our bedroom. Outside the door, footsteps thud down the hallway of the inn. A woman speaks, her voice muffled, though I recognize her as the overly friendly barmaid.

“...of course, milord. Anything for Her Majesty’s men.”

“The queen’s knights,” Rook mutters. “They tracked us down.”


Ijump from the bed. “Fuck!”

“No time for fucking. Go.”


He grabs his sword. “Out the window.”

A key clicks in the lock. The barmaid lets the knights walk right in. Six of them crowd the room, which suddenly feels too small.

Rook stands in front of me. Protecting me? How sweet.

One of the knights strides ahead of the rest. He has pretty armor and an ugly smile. “What a surprise. The demon and the demon fucker.”

Joke’s on them. No fucking occurred.

“Leave us,” Rook says.

I can’t tell if he’s talking to me or the knights. But I’m not going anywhere.

“Surrender,” the knight commands. “We know you’re the Gray Prince.”

A crazy laugh escapes me. “Guess what, assholes? I’m a dragon.”

Everyone stares at me, including Rook, who gives me an anguished grimace. “Pyrah.”

I fling my hair back from my face and spread my arms wide. I dare them to touch me. The knight who called me ademon fuckerhesitates, as if he might be smart enough to be afraid of me. But out comes his sword, the blade flashing in the candlelight.

My wings unfurl as I transform. Crimson scales ripple down my skin as if I’m bathed in a waterfall of blood.

The leader of the knights charges at me with his sword, but Rook lunges and blocks him in a clash of steel. Five other knights advance, forcing him to retreat. He’s outnumbered and backed into a corner.

My body shudders into a bigger size. My spine presses up against the rafters. This room can’t contain me forever.

Fully dragon, I smash through the roof of the inn and unleash a roar into the night.

Rook ducks and lifts his arm as rubble rains down on his head. A knight takes advantage of this distraction and attacks me. His sword glances off the scales on my flank. I bite his arm and fling him away. He hits the wall hard and slides down before staggering to his feet.

Another knight attacks. His sword sinks into my hand, pinning me down, followed an instant later by a lightning strike of pain. I whip my tail and knock my attacker off his feet.

Four more knights circle me. These fuckers are endless.

Leaping to my defense, Rook drives them back. Steel rings on steel. He moves through attack after attack with graceful brutality.

But the knights have plate armor, and he’s doing too little damage. He’s also shirtless, which isn’t helping his own defense.

I bite the sword pinning my hand and wrench it free with my teeth. Sickening pain rushes along my arm.

“Rook!” I growl his name. “Run.”

“I’m not leaving you.”