Page 45 of Demonic Prince

But I don’t trust the sorceress. She wants me to believe that no one’s coming to save me.

And how the hell does everyone keep locking me up in chains?

I can’t see who’s riding ahead of the wagon, but I assume it includes Zin. I’m flanked by two knights on each side. I remember more knights at the inn, so I wonder if Rook killed some of them. Either that, or they don’t think I need that many guards.

We turn off the muddy road and hit one paved with stones worn smooth over the centuries. The Emperor’s Road, named back when we still had an emperor. That gives me a hint as to where we’re going.

I breathe in deeply. A hint of sweet, lush perfume tantalizes me.


Not ordinary roses, but the cursed brambles that crawl through the forest known as the Thornwood.

I’ve flown over the Thornwood before, since I’m not stupid enough to walk through it. The forest grows thick and dark with secrets here. Stray from the Emperor’s Road, and they might never find your bones.

Ahead, Zin calls out to the men, “Stay close. Keep moving. Step only on the road.”

We must be headed to Netherhaven, the capital city. It’s the fastest way there, so long as we’re not murdered along the way.

Bloodred roses drip petals along the stones. Brambles curl around trees, their wicked thorns gleaming in the moonlight. The perfume thickens until it’s intoxicating.

Tension curls in the pit of my belly. The scent reminds me of wicked things. Like the way Rook pinned me against the wall of my cave. Or how he bent me over the bed and agreed to fuck me.

I squeeze my eyes shut. No. I can’t keep lusting over him.

But the truth is undeniable. I’m still in heat and without a mate. It won’t be long before a fever overtakes me and I’m shaking with need. I’ve heard stories of dragons driven wild by delirious lust.

Think. There has to be a way out of this.

I glance at the knight riding nearest to me. “What do you want with me?”

The knight spits. “Wanted to kill you.”

Fear slithers through my stomach, but I keep a blank face. “Change of heart?”

“By Her Majesty’s request.” The knight spurs his horse and rides ahead without me.

I was right. We are going to Netherhaven. What does Queen Dulcamara want with me? Did she put the biggest bounty upon my head?

Exhaustion drags my eyelids down, but fear keeps me awake. I’m safe only so long as they don’t open my cage.

Of course, I need them to open it if I want any chance of escaping.

I call out the sorceress’s name, “Zin!”

She circles back to the wagon, riding a mare the color of night. For a second, I think the horse might be Rook’s mare, Bolt, but she’s missing the distinctive white mark of a lightning bolt on her muzzle.

“Quiet,” the sorceress says, “unless you want your guts devoured by monsters.”

I force out a laugh. “I’ve devoured enough guts as a dragon.”

Zin rolls her eyes as if unimpressed by my bravado. “You can’t shift with those chains. You’re even weaker than the rest of us.”

“Why are you afraid of me?” I ask.

“Because I’m not a fool.”

“Tell me what you want from me.”