* * *
Rook stridesfrom my cave into the twilight.
He’s the first and only man to have left my cave alive. I haven’t tried to bind his hands again, even though he makes my heart thud in anticipation of a fight. I’m still shaking from his devouring kiss.
The demon is too dangerous.
He buckles his armor over his chest, his movements efficient and confident. “Where are my blades?” he asks.
“In the blood and mud of the battlefield.”
“And my horse?”
He swears and yanks the last buckle tighter. “We need to go back.”
I shake my head. “Walking there would take too long. Flying would be faster.”
“That’s how you dragged me to your lair?”
“Yes. I carried you here in my claws.”
His hand lingers on his ribs. “Explains some of the bruises.”
“Sorry,” I say, not really meaning it.
Rain begins to hiss from the clouds. Water trickles down my skin. Shivering, I curl my toes into the mud and brace myself before shifting. Crimson scales crawl over me and harden me with armor. My wings unfurl from my shoulder blades and sweep wide, scattering drops of rain.
Rook looks at me with his lips parted, his breath misting the air.
He’s seen me naked, of course, and he’s seen me as a dragon. But shifting while he watches feels like I’m baring myself to him. I close my wings over my face to hide myself. My skeleton cracks and pops as it twists. I’m sure the bending of my bones is grotesque to him.
“Never forget that I’m a monster,” I say.
Fully dragon, I snap open my wings and dare him to look at me.
He’s frowning at me as if he’s never truly seen me before. “Monsters can be beautiful.”
Beautiful? No man has ever called me that before. Definitely not while I’m a dragon. His words glitter like gold in the darkness, but I refuse to be tempted.
“This isn’t beauty.” I exhale smoke into the cold. “This is power.”
“When I look at you, I see both.”
Damn, he’s good at flattery. “Don’t waste your breath on compliments. I know you want my desire and my dragonfire.”
His frown deepens. “And?”
“And I don’t want to be used by you.”
Maybe I’m in heat, but I’m not that desperate. Not yet, anyway.
Rook clenches his jaw as if he’s resisting the urge to speak.
Smoke escapes my mouth as I sigh. “I will carry you on my back, but only because I’m merciful. And because I’m impatient.”
He smirks. “No one would mistake you for a beast of burden.”