Page 27 of Demonic Prince

“You chained me with aellurium. Dragged me from my cave for my dragonfire. You think I want to fuck you the moment I’m free?”

Rook raises an eyebrow. “Yes.”

I’m tempted to slap him across his face. “You’re wrong.”

“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” he says bluntly.

The truth escapes me. “How the hell did you know?”

His eyes simmer with heat. “Because you have so much barely restrained desire.”

I shiver at the rumble of his voice. I clamp my thighs together to fight the ache inside me. He has no idea what I need.




“Don’t worry,” Rook says. “A kiss will be enough.”

I can’t stop staring at his lips. “Enough for what?”

“For me to heal.”

I force out a scornful laugh. “But you’re my prisoner. You aren’t in a position to say no.” I echo his own words back to him.

“Fair point.”

With one swift yank, Rook snaps the rope binding his wrists.

“Oh fuck,” I whisper, backing away from him.

He limps closer to me, his eyes burning with devilish light. “Not how I wanted to hear you say those words.”

“Why pretend to be my prisoner?” I ask. “Why pretend to want a kiss from me?”

“I didn’t want to fight you.” He keeps advancing, one hand clamped on his wounded thigh. “I do want to feed from you.”

My breathing sounds ragged. He corners me against the wall, my back hitting the cold, rough stone. Even though he still hasn’t touched me yet, my body shivers in anticipation. I arch my spine and brace myself with my hands flat against the rock.

“Why pretend you can’t shift into a dragon?” he says, in an intense murmur.

“I’m not pretending. I’m planning your death.”

“Are you?” He chuckles, hoarse and low in his throat. “Pyrah, by all means, fight me if you want to fight me.”

I swallow hard. “Or?”

“Fuck me if you want to fuck me.”

The wordsfuck mesound unutterably sinful in his voice. I want him to take me. I want him to steal a kiss from my mouth.

But he’s an incubus. It’s dangerous just to kiss him.

He wants to feed from me. To use me. At least he’s being honest about wanting my body and nothing more from me.

“Will it hurt when you feed?” I whisper.