Page 77 of Timber

“Perfect! I’ll tag along. Kai told me about a shirt that just came in that he thought I’d like and I want to go check it out,” Mama Astrid replies.

I load up my plate with some eggs, bacon, fruit, and one pancake. I don’t miss Mama Astrid’s look on how little food I grab, but I ignore it for now. Snagging a mug of coffee, I follow her out to the main room and sit down at a seat at their table. Ragnar, Kai, Razor, Sasha, Colt, and Judge are there as well. Timber sits down next to me. Like with Kai, I’ve started using Odin’s real name, Ragnar, since they’ve taken me in like family.

We all chat as we eat and I feel the same sense of family here as I felt in Forest Creek.

Grabbing my mug, I lean back in my chair, full and slightly upset that I couldn’t eat everything. Timber looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I shake my head. I can’t eat any more. He snags my plate and finishes what’s left of my pancake and bacon.

Mama Astrid looks between us, confused, and I sigh. Might as well tell her. She’s going to find out anyway if we are going to be spending time together this week.

“For thirteen years, I was mostly starved. When I was in school, I’d get a free lunch and at home, it’d be the unwanted leftovers from the food bank. I started working at Peggy’s diner when I was fifteen and then I was able to get a hot meal whenever I had a shift. There was one time that I tried to eat more shortly before graduation. Unfortunately, Preston took notice and the beating he gave me put me in the hospital. He also went through my bags and my room, taking any money he could find, which was a couple hundred bucks. Ever since then, I’ve stuck to one meal a day to avoid another beating. Yesterday, I started eating three times a day, but I’m keeping each meal small at first so my body can adjust.”

Mama Astrid blinks repeatedly and wipes her eyes. The other guys and Sasha all look like they want to go on a rampage, and my breath hitches at that. No one has ever stood up for me before like these men and ladies have.

Mama Astrid clears her throat. “Well, we’ll have you right as rain in no time, dear. You can count on that. If that asshole stepdad of yours ever shows his face around here, you can bet your booty, these boys of mine and your man’s brothers and sisters will make him pay for what he’s done to you.”

It’s my turn, once again, to blink back tears. I’m so thankful that I had the courage to leave the other day to find my dad, even if he doesn’t want anything to do with me. By me doing that, I’ve found the love of my life and a new family I never thought I’d have.

After breakfast, Mama Astrid tells me that the Johnson Chasers are responsible for clean-up. I giggle at her adopting my nickname for the bunnies and she smiles. She said that since they ‘can’t cook for shit’, her words once again not mine, then they have to take care of all the dishes after each meal. For that, I’m grateful. While I love to cook, I absolutely hate doing dishes.

Dropping off my plate in the kitchen, I walk back out into the main room and Sasha immediately pulls me in for a hug.

“Make sure to text me, girl. Gonna miss your ass and your fucking hilarious ways of cussing.”

Throwing my head back, I laugh and once again, thank my lucky stars that I went to Forest Creek after finding out what Preston’s plans were.

“I will, and I’ll miss you and the others as well.”

She squeezes me tighter and I fight back tears when she whispers in my ear. “He’ll pull his head out of his ass, trust me.”

Not trusting my voice, I nod and blink harder to keep the tears from falling.

Colt, Judge, Tripp, and Ryder also give me a hug before they head out to their bikes.

Arms wrap around my waist, and I lean back into Timber’s embrace. “Get your purse, baby. Nathan’s gonna drive you and Mama Astrid in the cage.”

Nodding, I give him a kiss and run back to the house to get my purse. If I had known we’d be leaving this soon, I would have just brought it with me earlier.

A few minutes later, I’m back in the main room and I nibble my lip as I look from Timber to Mama Astrid. Pulling her aside, I tell her my idea and she’s immediately on board. Guess we’ll have one more stop before coming home.

Heading into the kitchen, we take stock of what they already have on hand, and I make up a list of the items I’ll need. I’ve just shoved the list into my purse when Timber comes into the kitchen, giving us both a look I can’t decipher.

“What you up to, Sunshine?”

I can’t help the blush that heats my cheeks and I bite my lip to keep from giggling. “Nothing. We were just doing some meal planning. After we get what I need, can we stop at the grocery store on the way home?”

The grin he gives me has butterflies swirling in my stomach. “Yeah, Sunshine, we can do that. You ladies ready to go?”

Nodding, I follow him out of the clubhouse and get into the SUV with Mama Astrid and the Prospect who must be Nathan. On bikes, it’s Timber, Punisher, Ragnar, Atlas, Razor, Loki, Beast, and Cannon.

We make our way to a large box store and my nerves return, making my hands shake.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Mama Astrid asks, worry written all over her face as she reaches over, clasping my hands in hers.

“After we were done shopping at the mall yesterday, we went to the food court. Preston was there with two men.”

I say nothing right now about knowing who the other two men are.
