Page 69 of Timber

“I’ll just tag Axe onto the email then.” He pulls out his phone and quickly sends a message while Python pulls up Mae’s birth certificates side by side.

“Timber, since you’re her Old Man, you want to take the lead on this?” Reaper asks and I give him a chin lift.

For the next twenty minutes, I give those that weren’t at Forest Creek a run-down of everything that happened yesterday and today. To say Odin is pissed is putting it lightly. I’m sure if Smoke were here, he’d be feeling Odin’s fists.

“I can’t believe Smoke let his own anger and hurt blind him so badly that he hurt that sweet girl like that and is still hurting her,” Odin seethes as he clenches and unclenches his fists. His gaze snaps to me. “I didn’t miss how her body tensed when she was putting Luscious in her place. I bet that asshole stepfather of hers said something similar to her in the past.”

Sighing, I nod. “I had the same thought. It’ll take time, but eventually, I’ll get her to see that whatever she’s been told in the past isn’t true.

“Alright, that’s basically all we know right now. Python and Smoke are both looking into things with Preston, Bruce and trying to find a lead on whoever the fuck this X guy is. Not to mention checking to see if that asshole’s still laundering under Mae’s dead name. When we know more, I’ll call Church again.” With that, Reaper bangs his gavel and we all get up. Filing out to the main room, I’m relieved to see Sunshine still out here, but she looks dead on her feet.

Placing my empty beer bottle on the bar, I grab my phone, head over to her and pull her up to her feet. “How about we head to the house, Sunshine? You look like you’re about ready to pass out.”

She nods and leans into me. “I’d like that.” She steps over and hugs both women good night. “If you leave earlier than I’m over here, make sure to stop by the house, Sasha. Though if I’m up, I’d love to have breakfast with you.”

“You got it, girl. See you in the morning.”

Stepping out into the cool night air, I pull Mae close when she shivers slightly.

Minutes later, I unlock the door and relock it after us, putting in the security code that Devil had texted Mae and me earlier.

After slipping off her shoes and hanging up her purse, Sunshine turns on the lights and looks around downstairs. I follow behind her, double checking all the windows are secured. That done, I turn my focus back to the layout. It’s a pretty open-concept design. There’s a small dining table in the kitchen and if you were cooking, you’d be able to see most of the living room. There’s a small laundry room and a half-bath down here as well.

Turning the lights back off, we both head upstairs where we repeat the process. There are three bedrooms up here, including the master, each with their own bathroom. The only difference is the size of the bedrooms. Sasha had put our stuff in the master bedroom earlier and I hope like fuck Sunshine will want to be in here with me, even if I’m only able to hold her.

Once I check that the other rooms’ windows are secure, I head into the master bedroom and can’t help but grin as my chest warms.

Sunshine’s already set the bags of clothes that she got today on the floor near the dresser and is rummaging through her duffel bag. I’m sure she’ll be doing a bunch of laundry tomorrow with the amount of clothes she got. I also notice she’s already plugged her phone in and it’s resting on the far nightstand. Relief flows through me at the sight.

Walking up to her, I wrap my arms around her just as she pulls out some silky pajamas from her bag. Fuck, tonight’s going to be a major test in restraint. Still, I need to hear the words from her. “You gonna be in here with me, Sunshine?”

Her cheeks turn a little pink and she nibbles her lip. “Is it okay if I am in here? I’m not ready for sex, but I love being in your arms. I feel safe when you hold me.”

Groaning, I bend down and kiss her, not being able to resist. After a few moments, I pull back and smirk when she pouts a bit. “I’d love nothing more than to have you in my arms tonight and every night, Sunshine. Why don’t you go ahead and change?”

Nodding, she slips out of my arms and heads into the bathroom.

Snagging my bag, I find some gym shorts and start stripping, placing my cut on the dresser. Unholstering my gun, I slip it into the nightstand along with my knives and set my phone on top of the stand and plugging it in. Normally I sleep in just my boxers or naked, but I know Sunshine isn’t ready for that. I’ve just slipped on the shorts when she steps out of the bathroom and I bite back a groan.

Her silk tank top shows a fair amount of cleavage and hugs her breasts. Her shorts hug her ass and I know I’m going to be having a serious case of blue balls tonight.

“Come on, Sunshine. Let’s get to bed. We’ll talk more about the club tomorrow and get the last of what you need after Sasha and the guys head out.”

Nodding, she walks over to the right side of the bed and slides under the covers. I do the same and shut off the light. Pulling her close to me, I inhale her lavender scent and ignore my raging cock as I drift off to sleep with my Sunshine Goddess finally in my arms.

When Thor and Phoenix dismiss me from Church, I head straight to the bar to grab a couple of beers. I’m going to need them and I feel the need to seclude myself in my room for a bit.

Walking down the hall to my room, I bite back a groan. Axe is leaning against the doorframe.

Just what I fucking need.

He pushes off the wall when I get closer and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Don’t get your boxers in a twist. I’m just gonna say my piece and leave.” He waits for me to nod and continues. “I get you’re fucking mad as hell, Smoke. I would be too if I were in your shoes. What that bitch and asshole did to you was beyond fucked up. All I’m asking is that you calm down and look at everything with a clear, level mind. When you do, you’ll see that you’re punishing the wrong person. I just hope that she’ll forgive you when you pull your head out of your ass.”

He turns and takes a few steps before turning back to face me. “And just so you know, Punisher and I both claimed her as our sister. But don’t think for a fucking minute that we’ll be calling you ‘dad’ or anything,” he says with a smirk, and I can’t help but chuckle at that.

Fuck no, I don’t want them doing that shit.