Page 66 of Timber

Turning to him, I nibble my lip. “Is there anything in the plans to do something like this back home? There were a lot of people there the past couple days. It might help to have some townhouses or even a row of condos where there’s two or three bedrooms in each for couples or if you have a couple of clubs coming in to visit for an extended time.”

“I’ve thought about that before, but never brought it up to the club. At the time, we all lived in the clubhouse and had just expanded, adding some more rooms for guests or if the club got more members. Next time we have Church, I’ll bring it up if it’s not an emergency session.”

“They could also be temporary housing. For example, take us but in this scenario, you don’t have a house—you live in the clubhouse. Since you claimed me as your Old Lady, we could stay in the townhouse until our house was built.”

Timber leans down and kisses me. “That’s a good idea. I know a few brothers are hoping to settle down soon but are hesitant to start building a house because they want their woman’s input on it. That would be a good in-between idea.”

Wrapping an arm around my waist, he leads me over to the porch where Punisher walks over and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“Ma, Pops, you already know Timber, but let me introduce Mae, his Old Lady. She’s the one Axe and I claimed as our sister.”

The older woman hurries down the steps toward us.

She has Punisher’s blond hair that’s done up in long intricate braids and she has the same beads in her hair like he does. Her blue eyes are bright as she smiles and wraps me in a tight hug, pulling me out of Timber’s and Punisher’s arms.

After a few moments, she pulls back. “I’m Astrid. The guys all call me Mama Astrid and you’re welcome to do the same. Welcome to the family, dear.” She pauses as she steps off to my side, gesturing to the man next to her. “And this is my husband and Old Man, Odin.”

Odin wraps me in a hug, and instantly, I feel safe. My body relaxes and when he places a kiss at my temple, I have to blink away tears. I had hoped that Smoke would accept me like this when I showed up at the club.

“What Ma said, welcome to the family. You can call me Ragnar if you want, sweetheart. Odin’s my road name.”

“Thank you.”

When he pulls back, I have to blink rapidly to keep the tears at bay. My emotions are definitely getting whiplash, and I feel on the brink of breaking down again.

Arms wrap around my waist and I sink back into Timber.

“Well, let’s get inside and have a drink to unwind after the trip,” Reaper says. We all file in, but I stop when I reach Reaper.

“Thank you for letting me stay here with you guys for a bit.”

“No need to thank me, Lil’ Bit. I would have done this for anyone in that sort of situation. I have a feeling Smoke will be beating himself up pretty bad about the way he treated you and what he said to you within the next day or so. And besides, I wasn’t gonna leave my niece out high and dry. Plus, this will also allow us to get to know each other as well. Same for Punisher and his folks.”

Instead of answering, I just nod as I blink to keep more tears from falling. I’m not so sure about what he said regarding Smoke, but I guess time will tell.

Walking through the clubhouse doors, Atlas steps up close to me. He didn’t come out for Levi’s baby shower, instead; he stayed behind with a couple others to keep watch over the clubhouse. We never leave our clubhouses completely unmanned.

“Just to give you a heads up, Timber, Luscious has been on a tear since she found out you were coming to stay for a bit.” His voice was quiet, but I know Sunshine heard him since her body instantly tenses at his words.

“Who’s Luscious? Is she another one of the Johnson Chasers?” she whispers as she looks around. Atlas roars at her description of the bunnies and I can’t help but laugh along with him.

“Yeah, she is, Sunshine. Not gonna lie, I’ve been with her and the other two bunnies that are here, but it’s been well over a year. Whenever I visit, they all try to get in my bed. Especially Luscious. Fuck, one time the bitch even picked the lock and crawled into bed with me,” I say, scowling at the memory.

“Well, what does she look like so I know which one she is? If she tries to pull anything though, I’ll be taking out the trash again.”

“You won’t be able to miss her. She’s got bright blue hair that’s shoulder-length, and her clothes barely cover the important bits,” Atlas replies.

“Well then, if she does try anything, maybe part of her punishment could be being fully dressed. I bet she’d hate that,” Sunshine says with a smirk as she leans into me more.

A few guys around us bust out laughing and I kiss the top of her head. Sasha comes in and makes a beeline for us.

“What’d I miss?” she asks as she takes the water Colt holds out for her. With both of them prospecting, neither of them can drink unless it’s a special occasion, like the other day at the baby shower. We fill her in and she busts out laughing.

“Fuck, you’re made from the same cloth Half-pint is,” Reaper says as he grabs a beer Nathan, one of their Prospects, brings over for him. “Half-pint pulled that card a few times when a bunny over in your chapter pulled some shit a while back. Crystal couldn’t have sex for a month either, including oral. She was pissed, especially when it overlapped when both of our clubs got together. She went on a tear saying how unfair it was. Which was stupid of the bitch because she did it in front of everyone. Half-pint just smirked at Crystal and added on another two weeks to both of her punishments.”

Sunshine laughs and fuck am I glad that she’s getting along with everyone so far. I lead her over to the bar, asking for a beer for me and water for her. I’ll have to find out what else she likes to drink so it can be stocked in both clubs. I don’t want her to feel like she has to always have water.

“Here, Sunshine.” Passing her the water, she smiles up at me. I hope she doesn’t think I’ll judge her for not wanting to have an alcoholic drink. I get her reasoning behind her decision and I’ll always support her in that.