Page 60 of Timber

Standing, I clear my throat to get everyone’s attention, even though the guys are already ready to head out. “We all need to head to the clubhouse. Thor’s called Church and said we’re on semi-lockdown.”

Quickly, we all gather our things as I explain to Mae what semi-lockdown means, and the guys surround us as we walk to the clubhouse.

When we get to the clubhouse, Timber visibly relaxes when he sees me, though his eyes narrow at the sight of Punisher’s arm slung over my shoulder. At Levi’s house, he declared me his sister as he quietly talked to me and helped calm me down, but I’m not sure how Timber’s going to feel about that. I’ve always wanted a brother, and now I have one.

Axe even comes over and gives me a hug before heading into Church, which I thought was really sweet. He’s sort of taken on a protector role for me as well, especially with how close Susie, Jordan, and I have been getting.

Timber pulls me out of Axe’s arms and my body relaxes even further. I tilt my head back and he gives me another toe-curling kiss.

God, I wish we were back in his house. I don’t want to stop kissing him, but I know he needs to go to his meeting, and I don’t want Thor to get mad at me for keeping him waiting.

Pulling back, I giggle at the little pout he gives me. “Later,” I whisper, and my thighs clench at the heated look he gives me.

“Stay in the clubhouse, don’t leave. Not even for a breath of fresh air. You got me, Sunshine?”

“I’ll stay here with the ladies. Don’t worry. You go do your thing.”

After they all go into Church, we get the kids settled in front of the TV with a movie.

Walking over to the bar, I ask Drae for a bottle of water, which he gets for me right away. Water in hand, I make my way over to the ladies and note that even though Sasha is over here, she’s standing and her eyes keep darting around.

After talking for about twenty minutes or so, Roxy and a woman I haven’t met yet come over to join us.

“So, you’re Timber’s woman and Smoke’s daughter. Nice to meet you. I’m CJ. Drae’s my brother,” she says as she sits down and holds out a hand.

Tentatively, I shake it. I hope like heck she isn’t going to be telling me what it was like being with Timber sexually.

“Um, hi. I’m Mae.”

“Glad you’re here. I know he’s upset right now, but Smoke really is an awesome guy. I’m sure that whenever he calms down, he’ll see things straight,” Roxy says, and just like that, my nerves ramp up even more than they were.

God, with the shopping trip, I’d been able to push my worries to the back of my mind for a while which was a relief.

Then with Preston showing up, being back here and now Roxy’s words, they all bring everything right back to the front of my mind.

I’m kind of thankful that I didn’t see Smoke when I came in. Either that or the guys are making sure there’s room between us. God, maybe I should take Reaper up on the offer Timber mentioned earlier. To stay at his club until Smoke calms down.

If he calms down, that is.

I’m brought out of my thoughts by heels clicking on the floor. Looking up, I really wish I hadn’t. I’m going to take a guess that these women are some of the bunnies because their skirts barely cover their va-jay-jays and their shirts barely cover their obviously fake boobs. Though only two are barely dressed—the other four are in t-shirts and blue jeans. Those four must be the bunnies that Susie said usually don’t cause problems.

Suddenly, my insecurities come back full force. All of these women are beautiful and have curves in all the right places. Plus, they aren’t skin and bones like me.

“Those women got nothing on you, Mae. Remember that. Timber chose you to be his woman, not those bunnies. The bunnies are just here as a release for the guys. Nothing more,” Susie says quietly as she squeezes my hand. I smile up at her in thanks.

Sasha swears in a foreign language and I look up in confusion. Her gaze is trained across the room, and I turn, following her gaze.

Two women are glaring at me and but then one scowls and turns her gaze to the kids. She marches up to them, steals the remote, shuts off the movie and knocks over their popcorn bowls.

“This is a clubhouse, not a daycare. Scram, you little brats.” She sneers at them as she takes a step forward.

Jordan gets up and pulls Sadie behind him, protecting her. Dang, that boy is just like his uncle.

The woman then turns her sneer toward us. “Get your worthless spawn out of here. Unless you want them to get an up-close lesson about the birds and the bees tonight.”

Instantly I’m out of my seat and stepping in front of the kids, keeping me between them and this vile woman. Both Susie and Nikki step up behind me after checking that their kids are okay.

“Keep your skanky hands away from Sadie and Jordan!”