Page 34 of Timber

Nibbling my lip, I debate asking him. His thumb captures my lip and pulls it slightly, so I’m no longer nibbling on it. “I forgot to text Peggy to let her know I made it here safely.”

Understanding dawns in his eyes. He must remember she’s one of the few people that I’m close to. Then something else flashes in his eyes that I can’t identify before it’s gone. Is it because I said I was safe?

He reaches into his cut and pulls out his phone, unlocking it before handing it to me. “Use mine and text her. If she can’t reach you on your phone, she can always reach out to me. Besides, I’d like to meet her and her husband sometime to thank them for everything they did for you.”

Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them away as warmth spreads throughout my chest. I’ve never had someone care about me this much.

Nodding, since I don’t trust my voice, I lean back against his chest and pull up a new text thread.

Mae: Hi Peggy, it’s Mae. I’m using my friend’s phone, Timber. I just wanted to let you and Glen know that I made it safely to where my dad lives.

I pause, nibbling my lip as I contemplate how much to tell her.

Peggy: Thank God, you made it alright! Glen and I were worried sick. How’d he take the news?

Sighing, I figure I’ll let her know but not give too many details away in case Preston asks her where I am.

Mae: He didn’t take the news well. I hope we can work things out eventually, but even if we don’t, Timber said he’d help protect me from Preston.

Her reply is almost immediate, and it has my cheeks heating. I can almost see her cocking her eyebrow at me as I read her words.

Peggy: Already found a male friend, huh? You’re an adult, so I won’t smother you with my worries and such, but I will say be careful and not to take things too fast. We love you, Mae, and don’t want your heart broken.

Her next text has my body tensing, which has Timber tightening his arms around me.

Peggy: Also, keep your wits about you. Preston’s been going around town trying to find out where you are. He was in here earlier today but didn’t get anything out of me since I didn’t know where you went. I didn’t tell him you put in your notice either, but he forced his way into every back room in the diner and the apartment above, making sure you weren’t here.

Mae: Did he hurt you?

Peggy: Nothing serious—just a few bruises, but they’ll heal. Theresa phoned Glen as soon as Preston showed up and immediately started yelling for you. Glen got here just as Preston was about to leave. When he saw what Preston had done to me, he threatened him that he better stay away from the diner and that he was banned for life for putting his hands on me.

My chest tightens as my fears come to light. Peggy got hurt because of me.

Timber takes the phone out of my trembling hands. His eyes scan the messages, his lip kicking up a bit, but then he scowls before his fingers quickly fly over the screen. After a few moments, he hands me back the phone.

Timber: Peggy, this is Timber. If that dickhead ever shows his face again, call me and we’ll be on our way. I’m with the Steel Archangel’s MC in Forest Creek, so we aren’t that far away. And as for my sunshine, I never intend to break her heart.

Peggy: You don’t know how much hearing that you’re a Steel Archangel helps calm my worries about Mae’s safety. My niece lives in Forest Creek and has told us many good things about your club. Thank you for taking care of our Mae. I’ll keep you posted if anything else happens. Is it okay if I give your number to my husband, Glen?

Timber: Not a problem. Anyone Mae considers as part of her true family, blood or chosen, is family of mine.

Peggy: I’m glad she found you, Timber. Mae’s been dealt a shit hand at life, but like you said, she is a ray of sunshine, and we don’t want to see that light dimmed. Take care of her. We’ll be in touch.

Timber: Of course—she’s quickly becoming my everything.

My breath hitches and my fingers tighten around his phone. My gaze flies to his, and the intensity and heat in his eyes shoots straight through me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head down closer to me, instantly capturing his lips. His hands tighten around me and he pulls me closer. I can feel the bulge in his jeans lengthening which sends tingles throughout me. The feelings he’s drawing out of me are intense, and if this keeps up, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to resist him before giving him my virginity.

He pulls back, resting his forehead on mine. Both of us breathing heavily.

“Woman, you’re making it hard to take this slow.”

My cheeks heat and he chuckles before placing a quick kiss on my lips. He reaches between us, adjusting himself, and then he pulls me back against his chest.

My gaze goes back to the competition just in time for Thor to declare Reaper the winner against Alexei.

“Alright, everyone, now for the final round. Wildcat versus Reaper!” Cheers erupt as Levi and Reaper both hug. Reaper whispers something in Levi’s ear which has her throwing her head back in laughter. Even Thor’s grinning like mad at the two of them. You can really tell that they care a lot about each other.

My gaze snags on Levi’s thigh, and I lean forward, squinting. She has a beautiful tattoo that looks like it goes from her knee all the way up under her shorts. I’m surprised I didn’t notice it before. But... wait. There’s something else there. Scarring of some kind?