Page 29 of Timber

She gives me a small smile as she stops and lets me take the handle from her while Susie lets Tripp do the same. The kids wander through the crowd, passing out water to whoever wants one.

“The kids wanted to make sure all of you had something to drink. We weren’t sure of the rules for if you’d be able to leave the stage area or not, so we figured it wouldn’t hurt.”

She steps closer to me, and it takes everything in me not to pull her flush against me. “The kids picked out the drinks saying you guys need to stay hydrated since you’re all out here under the sun.” She pauses as she tries to keep from laughing. “There’s also no beer in there for the same reason. Well that, and I quote, ‘beer and weapons don’t mix’.”

Both of us start chuckling at that. “Fuck, that sounds just like something Jordan would say.”

Her grin widens as she shakes her head. “They both said that in almost unison. Though I happen to agree with them, but I doubt any of you guys would get wasted while doing this,” she says as she gestures to the stage.

Tripp and I set the cooler down and I take a water from Sadie. “Thanks, munchkin.”

“You’re welcome, Uncle Timber.”

I can’t help but smile as she darts off, handing out waters along with Jordan. Turning back to Sunshine, I can tell she’s trying her damndest not to show her nerves. Pulling her into my side, I kiss her forehead and she settles further into me.

For a few minutes, we stand there like that till Susie, Jordan, and Sadie come back. She looks up at me and sighs.

“I better get back to our table, so we don’t distract any of you,” she says. She goes to pull away from me, but I tighten my grip, tilt her chin up and drop my lips to hers. Cheers erupt around us. I flip off my brothers. Sunshine pulls away, her cheeks and neck turning pink. A chuckle escapes me, and I give her another quick kiss before lightly smacking her thigh.

She walks back to the table with the others, but the grin that spreads across her face when she looks over her shoulders makes me feel like I’m ten feet tall.

As she settles in her chair, I notice a shadow crossing her face, and my gaze immediately shoots to Smoke’s. He’s still sitting where he was, fuming with a beer bottle in his hand. When I get a chance, I need to talk with the fucker. I won’t stand for his treatment to continue.

A hand clasps my shoulder, and I turn. Sasha’s grip tightens and I read her message as she nods, her gaze going to Sunshine. She’ll continue to help keep an eye out for my woman. The tightness in my chest loosens and I give her a chin lift that she returns before heading to the back of the line.

Once everyone’s been through once, Smithy updates the board for the next round.



