Page 12 of Timber

“Nah, it’s just Levi, Thor, and Dragon for both events. Well, she’s actually marrying just Thor, but her and Dragon will also say the vows.” I pause and clear my throat as jealousy swirls in my gut. “Who’s Preston, Sunshine?”

She blushes when my nickname for her slips and fuck do I love the pink that tinges her cheeks and neck. She winces, and my gut clenches tighter.

“Sorry that I didn’t say that earlier. Preston is my stepdad. Preston Cole. The guy that I think they are going to sell me to is Bruce. My mom’s name is Lillian Cole.”

Instantly my body relaxes, and I release the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. Fuck, this woman already has me all twisted up over her.

Axe sighs and hands Mae back her notebook. “Sorry if I scared you, but it always freaks me the fuck out that her and Jordan take multiple buses to get here when they visit. Not to mention the return trip. I tried to get her a car, but she turned that down. Since then, I’ve offered multiple times to come get her, but she says she doesn’t want to take me away from my appointments,” he says, his voice heavy with irritation.

“While I was worried about the trip as well, I was more worried about them when she said they take four buses to get here. She seems really stubborn and the type of person not to take a handout from anyone,” Mae says with a small smile.

Laughter rings out across the yard from the guys still out here and a few more clap Axe on the shoulder before heading inside. Axe shakes his head, smiling.

“You nailed that one, Sunshine. Both Axe and Susie are as stubborn as a mule.”

“You keep it up, brother, and I’ll make sure to tell Susie you called her a mule,” Axe teases me as he winks at Mae.

I try to bite back my growl at him winking at Sunshine. She’s mine and I won’t stand for anyone flirting with my woman. Then what he says sinks in, and the growl comes out anyway.

“That’s not what I said. If you get me cut off from my enchiladas with that bullshit, I’ll beat your ass, Axe. Brother or not.”

Susie’s enchiladas are the best that I’ve ever had. She learned how to make them from their aunt and whenever Susie visits, she always brings me a bunch. They’re fucking drool worthy.

Mae’s laughter rings out and before long, me and the others join in. When I look down at her, I feel like the wind’s been knocked out of me once again. The smile that lights up her face as she laughs makes her even more gorgeous.

As everyone’s laughter dies down, I notice Thor eyeing both of us. Instinctively, I tighten my grip on her waist. The fucker just smirks at me.

“Mae, in a few hours, we’re having a gender reveal party and sort of a baby shower all in one. You’re welcome to join us. We can talk later about your situation. For now, why don’t you rest and grab something to eat? While there will be food catered in for the party, feel free to grab something from the kitchen if you want it before then. You must be starving after walking here from town.”

She looks at him, surprised, and then nods. “Congratulations and thank you for the invite. I accept. Also, thank you for letting me talk to Smoke and all of you.”

He smiles and gives her a chin lift before heading inside, the rest of the guys following him.

With everyone heading toward the clubhouse, I bend down and pick up Mae’s bags off the ground. She whirls around almost instantly and tries to grab her backpack, but I sling it over my shoulder. She’s been carrying them for who knows how long. It’s the least I can do.

“It’s okay, Sunshine. I’ll carry them for you. Let’s head inside, and you can sit down. Are you hungry?”

She eyes the backpack hesitantly and her fingers fidget at her sides, as if she wants to reach out and snag it from me. Remembering my own youth of always having to keep anything valuable with me or well-hidden lest my father sell it, I hand her back her backpack. Her body sags visibly in relief as she clutches it to her chest. Then she slips the notebook back inside and slides the strap over her shoulder.

“Thank you, it’s just... My purse and a gift from my old bosses are in here,” she whispers as her hand clutches the strap so hard that her knuckles turn white, which confirms my suspicions.

Taking a chance, and from my own personal experience, I bend down closer so only she can hear. “If you want someplace to lock up your purse and valuables while we’re at the party, I have a safe bolted to the floor in my room in the clubhouse. That way, you won’t have to carry your bag around all the time. You can use it and unless it’s an emergency, I won’t open it. I keep a couple of guns and some ammo in there.”

She eyes me warily, almost like she’s trying to decide if she can trust me. Fuck, I hope she does and that she’ll let me help her. Plus, it’ll give me an excuse to be able to talk to her more and get to know her better. Finally, she nods, and my body relaxes.

“Thank you, I’d appreciate it. Is there somewhere where I can get cleaned up before the party? I’ve been on the road all day and feel gross from being on that bus for so long. I don’t have many clothes with me. Hopefully something that I brought will be acceptable enough for the party,” she says as she nibbles her lip, her gaze lowering to the duffle bag hanging off my shoulder.

“Yeah. You can use the shower that’s in my room here at the clubhouse. Though, while you’re here, staying at the clubhouse might not be the best place long term for you. It can get loud and kind of crazy here. However, it’d be safer staying here in the compound rather than in town. We’d be able to protect you better against Preston and that Bruce guy,” I say, spitting out their names before forcing myself to calm down.

“I’ve got lots of guest rooms in my house if you want to stay with me. Each room also has a safe bolted in the closet to store your stuff. It’s the blue one with white trim over there,” I say as I point at my house. “To the left of mine is Bear’s, then it’s Levi, Thor and Dragon’s house, and finally, Phoenix’s. He’s our VP. Currently, we’re the only ones with houses, but a few of my brothers are in the planning stages of building their own house. If you aren’t comfortable staying with me, I bet Levi, Thor and Dragon would be okay to let you stay at their house. If you want to go into town to get anything, just let me know. I’ll drive you.”

Her gaze roams over the houses as she nibbles her lip. Fuck, I hope she takes my offer. Then she turns to me as she tilts her head slightly, a question in her eyes.

“Why are you offering to help me so much? You don’t even know me.”

Fuck, might as well put some of it out there and hope she doesn’t run. “How about we walk while we talk? Or would you prefer to go inside to sit down as we talk?”

She nods. “Let’s walk. The breeze has picked up again, so it doesn’t feel as hot anymore.”