Page 86 of Timber

“However, I do have alerts set for if they do anything with the accounts. There are regular transactions made with five people, but the names are aliases, so I’m still working on that angle. However, whenever we want to pull the trigger, I’ll transfer the money to a new account and freeze everything.”

The camera changes and Smoke’s face fills the screen again. “Timber, I also found something else out. Lillian’s parents died when Mae was twelve and left a will. Everything they had was set to go to Mae when she turned twenty-one. There’s a sizeable trust fund as well as the house they lived in, their vehicles, and two other cabins that’s now in her name. My guess is that Mae doesn’t know a damn thing about the will. I’ve contacted the lawyer and he wants to meet with her when you all are back here. He’s based here in town.”

“You think Preston was going to marry her off and gain control of her trust fund,” I grit out. In my gut I know that’s what he’s doing. Fuck.

He nods, his face grim. “Yeah, I do. There’s been no activity on it, and I’ve got alerts on it as well for if they try something.”

The camera changes again and he pauses as he shuffles some papers. “I looked into Lillian’s accounts too. It looks like she gets a couple grand a month from her parents’ estate. She gets a disability check every month and up until Mae turned eighteen, she also got a welfare check. There are regular withdrawals each month that barely leave enough in the account to keep it open.

“However, there is a savings account that hasn’t been touched in eleven years. And by that, I mean no withdrawals. There have been deposits each month, some from her parents’ estate as well. Looks like Lillian also had some of her disability check sent into the account ever since she started getting it.”

“If she started creating an ‘oh shit’ fund, she must have seen the writing on the wall and hoped she’d be able to find a way out. But since there’s been no withdrawals, it seems she possibly ended up seeing no way out,” Devil says through gritted teeth and the others agree.

We talk through possible scenarios and plans for about twenty minutes before Thor gets everyone’s attention.

“Might as well dismiss for now. Python and Smoke. Let Reaper and me know whenever you find anything out. Timber and Smoke. Let us know the instant you guys or Mae get another letter, package, text or phone call. We’ve got a hurt woman on our hands and if we can’t find anything soon, she may end up dying by their hands. While I get some of you are pissed at what she’s done, she doesn’t appear to be behind selling her daughter off to Bruce, so we’ll help get her free from the assholes and go from there.”

Grunting, I get up. I need to set eyes on my woman.

While I’m pissed as fuck at Lillian for putting Mae in this predicament by not leaving Preston, I also get not having the courage or strength or means to leave their abuser.

I know from seeing it firsthand.

Growing up, my dad beat my mother on a regular basis and I often took a lot of his blows to protect my younger siblings. When I got older, I tried to keep him from hitting Mom and sometimes succeeded. However, one time, when I was fifteen, I wasn’t so lucky. Dad beat us both so badly that both Mom, my brother Blake, and I had to be hospitalized. Thankfully, my sister, Olivia, only had a couple of bruises.

That’s how my Uncle James and Aunt Sofia ended up with temporary custody of us. Mom was left paralyzed from his beatings, but my injuries healed. Dad got forty years in prison for what he did to us. When Mom proved she couldn’t take care of us, the temporary custody arrangement turned into permanent custody.

Even with what he did to all of us, Mom still goes to see him every week. He’s got his hooks so deep in her that she’ll never leave him. I’ve long since washed my hands of the situation but told her if she ever gets the guts to leave the bastard, then I’ll help.

In the main room, my shoulders relax when I see Sunshine through the pass-through pulling something out of the oven.

Then the smell hits me.

I bite my cheek to keep from smiling at Timber’s shocked look as he stares at me through the pass-through kitchen window.

I made both my chicken and beef enchiladas tonight.

Mama Astrid’s help was greatly appreciated as she helped me with figuring out how many batches I would need to make to feed everyone. Which was a lot. I learned a lot from her and will make use of it whenever I help cook for everyone again.

As I’m setting the last pan of the beef enchiladas on the counter, I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I can’t stop my smile this time. I love the feeling of his arms around me.

“You made me enchiladas.”

Spinning in his arms, I slide off the oven mitts and wrap my arms around his neck. “Well, I made them for everyone, but yes, I made enchiladas. I remember you saying how much you loved them. I don’t know how mine will compare to what you’re used to from Susie, but hopefully you like them.”

“If they taste half as good as they smell, I’m sure I will.”

He bends down and the kiss he gives me curls my toes, but I reluctantly pull back and pat his side.

“I gotta help Mama Astrid get the rest of the food out, baby. Why don’t you go out with the others? We’ll be ready in a couple of minutes.”

The pout he gives me is adorable and something I’m surprised to see on a biker’s face. I laugh and swat playfully at his side again before reluctantly slipping out of his arms.

I help carry out the rest of the pans of enchiladas to the pass-through along with the Mexican rice, chips, small bowls of salsa for everyone, and a few topping options. Setting out the plates and silverware, I whistle to get the guys’ attention.

“Dinner’s ready. Come help yourself.”

A giggle escapes as they all rush toward the window, and I have to fight my blush when the guys say how good it smells.