Page 83 of Timber

Sunshine smiles as she leans into me more. “No. No, I won’t.”

“And you best never hit on or threaten my Old Lady like that again, Junior.”

“We’ll be relaying our message back to Reaper. You can be damn fucking sure no one in our club or anyone who works for us will be stepping into that fucking office again,” Odin sneers at him.

Carter blanches slightly under my hard glare and I’m sure Odin’s giving him one as well. Thankfully, the little pussy scurries off.

Before he’s even out of sight, Mae laughs and hugs me before kissing me.

“God fuck damn, woman, I love your sassy side.”

She hums. “I’m glad you do, baby. Thank you for letting me deal with the douche-canoe. I know if it would have gotten worse that you and even Ragnar would have stepped in, but I appreciate it.”

I give her another kiss. “Would have in a heartbeat. Now, let’s get the rest of what you need for supper.”

“Agreed, sweetheart. No one messes with my family,” Odin growls.

Thankfully, we’re able to finish the shopping trip without further incident.

Once everything is loaded up in the SUV, I turn to Odin, talking quietly. “I’m gonna take Sunshine on a ride. We’ll be back at the clubhouse before long.”

“I know Astrid will want to put everything away herself,” Odin says with a grin that I match.

Yeah, Mama Astrid will definitely want to do that. She has major OCD when it comes to her kitchen. And yes, we all know that’s her domain. You fuck with anything in that kitchen, and you’ll be getting one very bland and bare boned meal in return.

“Take Razor and Loki with you. We don’t know if that fucker tracked her here. You shouldn’t ride alone, but I think a little wind therapy will do her good,” he says, and I give him a chin lift.

Walking over to Razor and Loki, I ask if they’ll ride with us, which they instantly agree with.

“Can’t wait till we get those pricks,” Loki growls. “She’s too sweet to be having that heavy of a cloud hanging over her.”

“Damn fucking agree, brother,” Razor sneers.

It’s times like these that I love the brotherhood that I have. It’s not lost on me how much everyone has taken to Sunshine, and I don’t mean it in because she’s the club princess. No, she just has something about her that makes everyone feel at ease around her. Even though the others didn’t officially claim her, I know they all look at her like a little sister. And if those assholes somehow manage to get their hands on my Sunshine, there’s going to be two clubs full of pissed off brothers, aunts, and uncles after them. I know Smoke will go after them, too, but time will tell if he’ll accept her as his daughter or not.

I give them a chin lift and head over toward Sunshine, who’s laughing at something Mama Astrid said.

Stepping up behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist. “How about we go for a ride before heading back to the clubhouse?”

Her eyes light up, and the smile she gives me goes straight to my cock. Fuck, I’d love nothing more than to take her back to my room, but Odin and Loki are right. She needs this.

“I’d love to! But it can’t be for too long. I want to get familiar with the kitchen before we start prepping supper. I also need to do laundry at some point.”

“Sounds good, Sunshine. Loki and Razor are gonna ride with us. I won’t take you out for a really long ride since you’re still getting used to the bike. As for your laundry, how about we go back to the house after supper? Get your laundry done then and relax a bit?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

She tilts her head and goes up on her toes, giving me a kiss before slipping out of my arms and walking over to my bike. She secures her purse in the saddlebag and slips on her helmet.

I follow suit and soon we’re on the road with Loki and Razor riding behind us.

While Loki is technically the road captain for Reaper’s club, I’ve been out here so much that I know the roads surrounding the town.

I take Sunshine on the back roads, letting the wind soothe us. The more we ride, the more I feel the tension leaving her body. She relaxes against me more and while I can tell she’s paying attention to where we’re going, she’s also looking around.

An hour later, I pull into the compound and park.

“How was your first long ride, Sunshine?” I ask as I hold out my hand to help her off the bike.