Page 67 of Timber

“Thanks, babe.”

We talk with the guys for a while when Sunshine tenses slightly in my arms before relaxing again. Following her line of sight, I notice the bunnies glaring daggers at her, Luscious in particular. Atlas was right. She’s barely wearing any clothing. She’s got some sort of wrap going across her breasts, which are fake, and her stomach is bare. Her skirt has slits on both sides and barely covers her ass cheeks.

Sunshine turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck. Knowing what she’s doing, and I’m fucking happy to oblige, I crash my lips onto hers. Fuck, I can’t get enough of her lips. After a few moments, she pulls back and hands me her water.

“I’m going to go to the restroom. Be right back, babe.”

Nodding, I take her water and watch her cute ass until it disappears around the corner. Turning back to the guys, I quirk an eyebrow in question at them all smiling like loons.


“Just never thought you’d be one to settle down, Timber,” Beast says.

“You’re lucky I like you, you little fucker, since she’s now my sister,” Punisher says as he clasps my shoulder.

“She was my Old Lady first.” She may not have said it until earlier today, but I knew she was it for me the moment I saw her.

Fucker grins at me and then suddenly he scowls, but he’s no longer looking at me.

Arms snake around me and before I can react, Luscious is pressed up against me as one of her hands rubs my cock, the other working to undo my belt.

Suddenly, she’s pulled off me and thrown to the floor. Sunshine stands between the two of us, her hands on her hips as she stares down at her.

“What in hell’s bells do you think you’re doing pawing at my man and trying to get into his pants?”

Seconds later, Luscious gets to her feet. “Ha! There’s no way he’s really with you. No one would want your bony ass. It’d be like feeling up a skeleton.”

Oh fuck.

Mae’s body goes rigid, and I know it’s not going to be good.

“Is that so? Well, I’m sure if you were nearly starved for thirteen years, you’d look much the same. Whether you like it or not, Timber is no longer on the market. He’s with me, so you’ll have to make do with having sex with the other single brothers.”

Luscious sneers at Mae and steps forward. “You’re not cut out for biker life. When Timber tires of your ass, he’ll be back in my bed where he belonged all along.”

Mae laughs. “Wow, all of you Johnson Chasers must compare notes because you all say the same things. Or maybe you’re related to Gigi and that’s how you were raised. You need to listen and listen good, missy. You are nothing but a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth. Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for you and you should really apologize to it.

“While you’re at it, you need to get over yourself. Just because you wear the bare minimum amount of clothing that you think is seductive, have a crap ton of makeup caked onto your face, bought a Winnebago upgrade for your boobs, and that you take a man in any hole as often as you can get it does not mean you get to have any man you want. Timber will never be coming back to your bed because he will be in mine. He doesn’t want your cum bucket of a snatch or any other loose as heck hole of yours.”

The room erupts in laughter and I step up behind Sunshine, resting my hands on her hips when really, all I want to do is hoist her over my shoulder and take us back to the house.

“There is nothing wrong with the way I look or dress,” she huffs, as she crosses her arms, which puts her fake tits even more on display.

“Sure, keep thinking that. I bet people clap when you’re out in public. And I don’t mean that in a good way—they’re clapping their hands over their kids’ eyes to keep them from seeing your skanky snatch or tits. I sure hope you don’t catch pneumonia cause that skirt sure is breezy.”

Laughter rings out again and Reaper steps forward.

“Luscious, get back to your room for the night and don’t come out. Consider this your first strike. You know you’re not supposed to mess with an Old Lady and whether you like it or not, Mae is Timber’s Old Lady. Not to mention, she’s legacy. Now scram before Lil’ Bit here decides her fists are hungry again and takes you out like she did with Gigi earlier today,” Reaper growls.

Luscious’ face transforms into shock, most likely at the legacy bit, not knowing she’s the daughter of an original member. When the club was just starting, Smoke’s old man, Ice, had suggested that his son prospect.

Smoke was a wiz even back then with computers. He’d skipped a few grades in school because he was so smart, and finished high school after just turning seventeen. Back then, the bylaws just stated that you had to have graduated high school, so Smoke and Ice were part of the original members of the club along with Thor and Dragon’s old man, Poseidon, who passed away years ago.

The only other remaining original members in our chapter besides Smoke are Bear, Gunner, Bones, and Tripp. There are a few more, but they moved to start some of our other chapters. Here in Junction Creek, it’s Odin, Doc, Smithy and Razor for original members.

Luscious’ face turns even redder as she continues to stare at Mae.

“You keep standing there, and I will take you out like the trash you are. Reaper wasn’t lying.” Mae flexes her hand, and Luscious’ face suddenly pales slightly. She must have caught sight of her raw and swollen knuckles.