Page 58 of Timber

The ladies all bust out in laughter and the guys all sit up a bit straighter, their chests puffed out slightly at her words. However, I can tell Sunshine really means it by how she’s looking at each one of them.

Jordan, who’s sitting next to me, tugs on my cut and I lean down. “We should get Auntie MaeMae back to the clubhouse. I don’t want the bad man to get her,” he whispers. I give him a chin lift and ruffle his hair.

Little man’s been a champ today. He watched how we were keeping an eye on the women but also keeping an eye out for any potential problems, and then he started doing the same thing. The kid’s going to be one hell of a Prospect when he’s old enough.

“Let’s wrap up and head back to the clubhouse,” I say quietly. Most everyone’s done, but Sunshine wraps the rest of her sub and chips in her bag. While I’m happy she had about half of her 6-inch sub, I bet her nerves are going into overdrive and she’s not able to eat anymore.

We all stand up and dump our trays. My neck prickles like someone’s watching us. After dumping my tray, I turn and casually glance around, easily spotting the prick. There’s two men with him, but I don’t recognize them. I’ll have to talk to Smoke to see if he can hack into the security cameras here. At least I hope he’ll do it.

Wrapping an arm around Sunshine’s waist, we head toward the opposite end of the food court. Though it doesn’t escape my notice that Axe is holding Jordan and Gunner is holding Sadie. If shit goes south in here, they’ll be able to protect the kids better this way. Jordan looks over Axe’s shoulder and when he turns back around, whispers something to Axe and he nods. Axe’s gaze finds mine and he gives me a subtle nod. The fuckers are following us.

We make it out of the mall without incident, and when we get to Levi’s SUV and our bikes, I see that more of our brothers are waiting for us. Thor gets off his bike and walks over toward us. His gaze goes over my shoulder and judging by the tightening of his jaw, he’s spotted the assholes.

“Got them,” he says quietly, then turns to me. “Python and Smoke are both working on the cameras trying to see what they do when we leave. Lex is running a program to try to find information on the other two assholes with him.”

I know Lex works in our tattoo shop, but fuck, does the kid got a knack for computers and shit. However, it is a relief to have two tech guys in our club. It’s helped on more than one occasion.

Quickly, we get the women and kids loaded up. Once Sunshine’s buckled in, I lean in and give her a kiss.

“Be safe,” she whispers, and fuck does the fear in her voice have my stomach twisting in knots.

“Always. I’ll always come back to you, Sunshine. You’re my heart.” I give her another quick kiss. “If anything happens, listen to Levi and Sasha. This isn’t our first rodeo, and I know it won’t be our last.”

When she nods, I shut the door, walk over to my bike, put my skull cap on and start her up. Pulling out, half of us lead the way back and the other half trail behind the SUV.

About midway to the clubhouse, I spot them. We’ve got two black cars on our tail. I give a quick hand signal to the others and a call comes through on my Bluetooth.

“Got two tails. Watch yourselves brothers and keep the line open,” Thor’s voice comes through the line.

I bob my head slightly so he can see me in his mirrors. None of us talk unless we have to in these types of situations so that, hopefully, no one talks over each other.

Minutes later, I catch sight of a car coming in fast from my left.

“Got a third coming in hot from the left. Speed up or break off for a moment.”

Immediately I punch it and know Levi’s hot on our tail since she’s in on the call. My gut knots further when I see the car just barely miss the tail end of the SUV and I pray that fucker didn’t hit any of my brothers.

The call comes through the SUV from Thor and immediately everyone stops talking. You could cut the tension in the car with a knife. My gaze flicks to Mae in the middle behind me and she’s freaking the fuck out, but thankfully, she’s staying quiet. Susie’s holding her hands tightly.

“Sasha. Call Ethan. Have him go to my house, and as soon as he sees the gates open, he’s to open my garage door. We’re going straight in and staying there till the guys give us the all clear. Have him pass on the message to Phoenix and Andre that we have two tails. Also, have them get the girls and bunnies in their rooms. No one comes out until they’re told it’s clear.”

I kept my voice quiet, but when I see Thor’s head bob in front of me and he gives me a hand signal, I know he heard me. Next to me, Sasha’s quietly giving my orders to Ethan.

When Timber’s voice comes over the other line, I speed up immediately as I keep an eye on the car to my left. I’m vaguely aware of Sasha updating the rest of the club and I’m grateful I had her call them.

The guys behind me split off to avoid the incoming car, and I breathe a sigh of relief when none of them are hit or go down. Three of them immediately are behind us again, but the others break off to follow the other cars.

A few minutes later, I see the gate and it immediately opens. I barely slow down and the guys in front of me break off quickly. It’s only as we’re approaching my house that I start slowing down. As soon as the car is in the garage, Ethan closes the door again. Putting the car in park and turning it off, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“Leave everything in the car for now. Everyone out and head into the house.”

Once inside, I see Punisher, Doc, Judge and Uncle Bear already patrolling around the inside of my house. Breathing another sigh of relief, I know no one else got in here and all the windows and doors are secure.

Turning back toward Mae, I notice she’s shaking like a leaf and I pull her into the living room with Doc hot on my heels. Pulling her down to the couch next to me, I shift so I’m facing her and take her hands in mine.

“Mae, I need you to take some big, deep breaths. The guys know what they’re doing, and they won’t let Preston, Bruce, or that X guy, or any of their cronies get you.”

She doesn’t answer me or acknowledge me. Fuck, she’s stuck in her head. Scooting forward slightly, I cup her cheeks and make her look at me.