Page 57 of Timber

It takes everything Colt has to keep Sasha from going back into the store and setting those two bitches straight. She doesn’t take kindly to people threatening the club, her family, or treating any of us like meat. But those bitches went even further and practically called her a whore. I don’t blame her for getting pissed, but we also can’t cause a scene. I know she would have preferred to have pulled out her knives, but thank fuck, she didn’t.

Dragon even went as far as taking their pictures and sending them to Thor, saying Stacy and Jade aren’t allowed on clubhouse grounds. If they create any issues at our businesses, then they’ll be banned from all Steel Archangel’s establishments.

Thank fuck Sunshine was able to redirect Sasha and break the tension, though the rest of my brothers are on higher alert. If it weren’t for Susie coming out to get us, we might not have realized there was a problem.

Shaking my head, I watch as the women bounce from store to store, getting the last of Sunshine’s things.

Well, most of them.

We’ll still have two more stops after we leave the mall.

Earlier, it took all of my restraint when the ladies went into a shoe store. Sasha picked out some sexy as fuck boots for my woman and when she’s ready, she’ll definitely be wearing them when I sink into her tight pussy. The thought has my cock straining even more against the zipper of my jeans.

With the last of the shopping done at the mall, we all decide to hit the food court while we’re here.

I walk over to Sunshine, who looks like she’s lost. I wonder if she’s ever eaten at any of these restaurants before. “Hey, Sunshine, what would you like to have?”

She licks her lips nervously as her gaze bounces around. “Um... I’ve never eaten at any of these places before. I don’t want much, but since we’re out and about, I don’t want to have anything that might possibly make me sick.”

“In that case, how about we get you a sub sandwich?” I pause as I point over at one of them. “All you have to tell them is if you want a half or a whole sub. The half is about six inches long. Then you pick the type of bread, what type of sandwich you want and then pick what toppings and dressing you’d want on it. How’s that sound?”

She nods. “Yeah, that sounds like it would be easy for my first to-go meal like this.”

That pulls me up short. “You’ve never eaten fast-food before?”

She shakes her head. “Ever since I got out of high school, the only hot meal I’d get would be at Peggy’s diner. Her and Glen would always give me a little extra protein and veggies than would normally come with the dish. Or if I was working in the kitchen, I’d make it myself.

“At the grocery store, they have a hot bar, but it’s disgusting. I ate there once when I started working there while in high school, but got sick. I never ate from it again. If I wasn’t working at the diner, I’d get something easy at the grocery store, like granola bars and a few pieces of fruit. On the rare occasions that I’m home, I only got the discarded items from what was left of the groceries or from the food bank. It was usually cans of beans, stale bread, and if I was lucky, some peanut butter.”

I grit my teeth at how bad she’s had it. Out of the corner of my eye, both Axe and Dragon’s jaws tense and I’m guessing they both heard that as well. Clearing my throat, I try to keep my anger out of my voice. “Then let’s get you a sub. Later, I’ll introduce you to some of the other restaurants and fast-food places.”

Stepping up in line, I go first so she can see how the process goes. We get our subs, drinks, and I grab us some chips as well before leading Sunshine over to a set of tables the others are sitting at. They kept two spots open for us, so she sits down across from me.

Half-way through her sub, Sunshine freezes and her face pales as she stares at something over my shoulder.

“What’s wrong, Sunshine?”

She licks her lips and lowers her sub. “Preston’s here,” she whispers.

Her gaze comes to mine and I can see how freaked out and scared she is. Then her gaze bounces back over my left shoulder. I know my brothers and sisters heard her because they all tense as well.

“Describe him, sis,” Axe says quietly.

He’s sitting to Sunshine’s right, so he’ll be able to spot him. It takes everything in me not to turn around, but I don’t want to give away that we’re onto him.

“He’s balding, but has a bad, greasy comb-over. He has a mustache and beard, both poorly maintained and equally as greasy. Black shirt with a blue jacket and dirty, stained blue jeans. He’s very portly. If he were a woman, I’d guess she’d go into labor with multiples at any minute. He’s your stereotypical, sleezy, slimeball car salesman. What’s funny is that’s what I always thought he looked like before coming here. Now knowing that he used to be a car salesman, it just makes it even funnier.”

Despite the seriousness of the situation, all of us chuckle at her description of him being a sleezy car salesman, even Sunshine. Axe pulls out his phone, acting normal, but I know he’s taking the guy’s picture and notifying the others.

“Sunshine, do you have enough of your stuff to last a couple of days? We really should get back to the clubhouse with him showing up here.”

“Yeah. The only thing I’m short on is some sculpting mud. I used the last of mine up today.”

What the fuck is sculpting mud?

“I got you covered on that end, babe. You can have my spare one and I’ll get another the next time I’m at the store. I always keep an extra one on hand,” Sasha says.

“God, I swear you ladies and gents are like my very own fairy and biker godmothers and godfathers with everything you’re doing for me and helping me.”