Page 53 of Timber

“When Alexei and Ethan are done scanning everything, I’ll have them send it over to you. I agree with everything Levi said. You will watch what you did yesterday when you were drunk, then read through everything she brought with her. That’s an order. That said, like Levi stated a few minutes ago, I’ll be here if you need someone to talk to, but don’t you fucking dare pull out your 45 again like you did all those years ago.”

He winces, but nods. He didn’t know it at the time, but I had cameras of my own snuck into his room and had a trigger for whenever he opened his gun case or his nightstand drawer where he always kept a gun. The trigger would send a notification to Phoenix and me. We knew every time he pulled that fucking gun out. Both of us would be on alert, and ready to step in if he pointed that gun at himself, but each time, he put the gun away. Thank fuck.

“Now, after you’ve seen the video feeds and are waiting on Alexei and Ethan to finish scanning everything, I want you looking into this X fellow along with that Bruce fucker. Work with Python on Preston, too. I’ll be having Python verify what Mae sent so that there’s no conflict of interest. I’ll give him the heads up to let you know what he finds out about Mae as well, after it’s confirmed. Let me know if you find anything out about Preston using Mae’s dead name as well.”

Smoke clenches his jaw but gives me a chin lift. I don’t give a flying fuck if he’s pissed I’m bringing in Python, but there’s no way I’m letting him verify what Mae said when he’s like this. I’d always be questioning if he was telling me the truth.

“Alright, get the fuck out and you’d best not fuck shit up anymore.”

Without a word, he grabs his laptop and leaves. When the door shuts, my gaze goes to Phoenix, my best friend. We grew up together and went to school together. Hell, we even prospected together.

“This is fucked up and you know it, man,” he says as he rubs at his temple.

“I can’t wait to get my hand on that fucking weasel. For Mae’s sake, I hope Lillian isn’t involved in any of this shit with Bruce. If she is, Levi will have a field day.”

Phoenix snorts. “Not just her. I’m sure Sasha will be itching to sink a blade into her as well. If Mae weren’t Smoke’s daughter, I’m sure the two of them would have adopted Mae as their sister.”

Grunting in agreement, I slap him on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s grab a beer. Hopefully someone will have news for us soon and then we can start planning.”

When we pull up to the mall, my nerves go into overdrive. Well, even worse than what they were after Church and hearing more of Smoke’s hateful words. Part of those nerves are because Dragon joined us at the last minute. The other part is because I hate big crowds, always have. I’m also thankful that I put some extra money into my purse because I have a feeling that I’m going to be coming home with a lot of things from what the women are saying.

“Mae, I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but we aren’t going thrift store shopping. We’re going to get you good quality clothes and shoes that will last for a while, okay?” Levi says as she looks at me in the rear-view mirror.

Nodding, I clench my hands in my lap as I try to calm my nerves.

“So, you said you liked the style of clothes I grabbed for you yesterday, right?” Sasha asks and I nod as I lick my lips.

“The clothes, yes. Though some of the undergarments were a bit much.”

My cheeks heat as I remember the lacy and silk lingerie that she got me as well as the thongs. The ladies chuckle and my cheeks heat even more.

“Good, then we’ll go to those stores and you can pick out more. We’ll also make sure you have a few things for when you want to take that next step with Timber,” Sasha says with a wink.

Butterflies swirl in my stomach as my gaze goes to Timber, who’s riding point in front of us. I want to take that next step, but I’m nervous. I really don’t know what I’m doing.

Deciding to just trust her, I nod again, and she smiles widely.

Levi parks but doesn’t get out. Her gaze locks with mine in the rear-view mirror. “Never get out of a car until Timber or another brother comes up to your door. Let them do their thing and check the surrounding area to make sure it’s safe for us to get out.”

Confused, I nod. I need to talk to Timber. I’m completely out of my element here.

After a few moments, Timber comes up to my door and opens it. Unbuckling, I step out and he wraps an arm around my waist as we wait for the others to get out of Levi’s SUV.

“Where are we heading first, Sunshine?”

“Um, I’m not sure. Sasha said she’d take me to the stores that she went to yesterday since I like the style,” I reply as I look down at my clothes.

I really do love what she’s picked out for me. Looking up at Timber, my thighs clench as his heated gaze travels up and down my body. He’s about to say something when we’re interrupted as Sadie runs over and grabs my hand.

“Come on, MaeMae. Time to do some shopping!”

I can’t help but laugh at her excitement. I would never have guessed that she loves to shop as much as she does. And she’s only seven.

Looking up at Nikki, I grin. “Looks like you’re going to have a shopaholic when she grows up.”

Nikki groans and shakes her head. “I’m not looking forward to it.”

All the ladies laugh and even a couple of the guys before we head into the mall.