Page 51 of Timber

She nods, pivots, but then turns back toward me. “Can we stop and get a new phone, too? Mine is second hand from a friend and I’m afraid that it’ll soon crap out on me,” she says as she pulls out areallyold phone that has a lot of cracks in the screen.

Fuck, I’m surprised that model even still works. Previously, I only saw the back of her case, and I’m betting that was on purpose.

My anger rises again at what Lillian and her stepdad have put her through, what they’ve denied her, and I can’t wait to get my hands on those fuckers.

Clearing my throat, I nod. “Yeah, Sunshine, we’ll stop by a phone place today.”

The smile she gives me has me wishing no one else was here so I could kiss the fuck out of her, but that’ll have to wait. “Go get your shit, baby.”

Nodding, she quickly heads upstairs, and I turn my attention to the others, then down to Sadie and Jordan.

“Are you sure you both want to go with us? We’re probably going to be doing a lot of walking today and going to a lot of stores,” Susie asks and both kids nod eagerly, and Susie nods in return. “Okay then, I don’t want to hear any complaining later on. Both of you go to the bathroom and we’ll head out in a few minutes.”

Both kids race to the downstairs bathroom, and I can’t help but laugh. With how close those two are, I bet when they’re older, they’ll end up together.

“Did Mae by chance say what all she was wanting to get today beside the phone she just mentioned?” I ask Levi, who nods.

“Yes, clothes, shoes, and bathroom supplies to start with. Later on, she said she wants to go to a bookstore and she wants to look into getting a used car. If she’s going to be on the back of your bike eventually, we’ll need to get her proper gear for that as well.”

I grind my teeth at that. She doesn’t need a used car. I’d rather have her have a new one, so we don’t have to worry about what the fuck the previous owner did or didn’t do to the car. There’s no way I’m letting her pay for the car, either.

“Since I can guess as to what you’re grinding your teeth about over there, let me make a suggestion. Tell her why you want to do what you’re thinking about and list everything out for her regarding your concerns. She’ll probably fight you on money, but you gotta remember where she’s coming from. She’s used to buying everything she needs for herself and relying only on herself. It’ll take some time to get used to having someone there to help her out,” Levi says quietly but gently.

Gunner grunts in agreement. “She mentioned wanting to pay for her mom to get into rehab. Maybe you can say she should keep more of her money for that, even though I’m guessing you were already planning to do that if we find out the bitch isn’t working with that fucker in selling her.”

“You’re right. If she’s innocent in that, I was going to offer my help in getting Lillian the help she needs. If she wants it. But based on how she’d act when Preston couldn’t keep her strung out, I’m guessing she’ll take the help. No one should be pumped full of drugs against their will,” I grind out.

God, I can’t wait to get my hands on that fucker. I’ll make him pay for not only what he put Mae through, but also her mom.

Footsteps on the stairs have me turning and at the same time, both Jordan and Sadie come running back into the living room. Realizing how many people are going on this outing, I turn to Levi.

“Can we take your SUV? That’s the only vehicle that’ll fit everyone and have room for whatever Mae gets.”

“Yup, I was going to offer to drive anyway. I’d also rather only have one vehicle today, as that’d be easier to watch with only four of you,” she replies.

“Colt offered to come with us if you want him to. Said he could help with the kids if they want to go with us or run bags back and forth to the car,” Sasha says. I give her a chin lift and she pulls out her phone to text him.

Though I’m sure Colt’s offer to help Mae is real, I now get the need to also want to keep eyes on your woman when out and about. In a couple of months, Colt will be up to earn his patch. While I know he wishes Sasha didn’t want to join the club, it was only because he wanted to ask her to be his Old Lady when he patches in. Now, he’ll have to wait till she patches in. And I have no doubt in my mind that she’ll earn her patches. Especially for all the help she’s already done for the club.

Pulling out my own phone, I shoot a text off to Thor, letting him know who all is going with us. His reply is almost immediate, saying to make sure we watch our backs and no one goes off alone.

Stepping up to Mae, I wrap my hand around her waist and look from her to the kids. “No one wonders off alone, okay? We have to assume Preston’s the one who sent Smoke the information earlier, so he knows where she is. You hear me?”

“Yes, Uncle Timber,” both kids say in unison and Mae agrees as well.

I look up at my brothers and sisters. “Thor said that goes for us as well.” They all give me a chin lift.

We all head to the door, but Levi calls out to Mae.

“Wait, Mae, before we go, I want to give you these.” She holds out a familiar bag and I mouth ‘thank you’ to her.

Mae takes the bag from her and pulls out two bracelets. “Thank you.”

“They aren’t ordinary bracelets. Let me show you what they do.” Levi twists where the ends connect and she shows her the hidden blades.

Sunshine’s eyes widen in surprise. “Um... I’m kind of scared to ask why I would need hidden blades in a bracelet?”

Levi swallows hard. “Later, when we have more time, I’ll tell you my story, but just know, these will cut through ropes if those assholes do get a hold of you and tie your hands behind your back. There’s also a tracker embedded into each bracelet. It’s not monitored unless it needs to be.”