Page 49 of Timber

“No problem, Timber. Just call when she’s ready to go.”

Walking over to the door so we have a little privacy, I pull Sunshine into my arms again. This time, she melts into me. “Want you to go with Ethan to my house and relax with the ladies. You got me, Sunshine?”

“Okay,” she says quietly as she buries her head in my chest.

“I’ll be back as soon as we’re done, and then we’ll go from there.”

She nods but doesn’t reply.

Pulling back slightly, I lift her chin so she has to look at me. Her eyes are swimming with unshed tears, but she’s trying to be strong.

Leaning down, I give her a kiss that ends far too quickly, but there’s no way in hell anyone’s hearing her moans but me.

Resting my forehead against hers, I try to keep a lid on my emotions for a few more moments. “Ethan,” I call out. Seconds later, he’s at my side.

“See you soon, Sunshine. If there’s any problems, have Sasha get ahold of Thor or Phoenix. Like I said before, they’re the only ones allowed to have phones while we’re in Church. In fact, have her give you all the guys’ numbers, so you have them as well.”

“Okay,” she says quietly and then she gives me a quick kiss. Ethan gives me a chin lift, and they leave the clubhouse.

Turning, I stalk back into Church and march right up in front of Smoke, purposefully keeping the table between us. I made a promise to Sunshine that I wouldn’t hurt him unless he did anything else to her, and I intend to keep that promise, even if I did sort of break it last night by punching the fucker. Though, I don’t miss that Levi is standing and her chest is heaving as she glares at him.

Fuck, I missed whatever the hell she ranted at Smoke about.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can’t you see that Mae is innocent in all of this?” I damn near roar.

“You’re too busy thinking with your dick instead of your head. She’s a carbon copy of Lillian and therefore can’t be trusted. She’s already manipulated you and played you like a fiddle, just like she planned,” he growls.

Judging by the white fingertips of Phoenix and Bear, he’s been trying to get out of his seat, or maybe even succeeded a moment ago.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Phoenix mutters. “You’re too blinded by your own anger and hurt that Lillian’s caused to see the fucking truth. If you don’t pull your head out of your ass, you’re going to lose the one thing you’ve been hoping for, for all these years. On top of that, you blew your top this morning in front of your niece and Jordan. You’re lucky as fuck that Alexei and Colt got them out of the room right away or we’d be having averydifferent conversation,” Phoenix growls and visibly tightens his grip on Smoke’s shoulder.

Oh fuck.

If either kid had gotten hurt, Phoenix would have beaten his ass to a bloody pulp. His drunk ass father killed his kid sister when she was six during a drunken rage. He’s very protective of those two kids as a result.

“Enough!” Thor’s voice rings out. “Timber, take your seat. We need to talk about the rest of the shit Mae gave to us.”

Reluctantly, I retake my seat.

For the next twenty minutes, we go over the codes Mae brought. They’re drop-off points and schedules for weapon shipments, drug hand-offs, loan collections, and of course, trafficking women and kids.

“Smoke, do some digging to see if you can find anything out about this X guy. We can’t move forward unless we know who we’re going up against.”

Smoke curls his lip but gives a curt nod.

“Good, now everyone get out of here except for Phoenix and Smoke.”

We all get up, but Levi stays in her seat. Thor gives her a look, but she shakes her head.

“I want to say something else to my dear brother and then I’ll leave.”

Thor gives her a chin lift before his gaze goes back to Smoke.

Giving Smoke one more scathing look, I head to the door and collect my phone.

Axe slaps me on the shoulder. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll head over with you.”

Giving him a chin lift, I’m tempted to grab a beer from the Prospect, but I don’t since I’ll be driving soon.