Page 23 of Timber

“All I was going to say was to be careful, Timber. We don’t know anything about her other than what she told us out front. Besides, we haven’t even confirmed what little she told us yet. How do we know she isn’t lying?”

“Sunshine’s not lying, Dragon. While I’ve heard a bit more about her story over the last few hours, she doesn’t strike me as someone who’d lie about this. And I fucking hope you aren’t going to have Smoke run a check on her cause that’s fucked up. With how he’s been all afternoon, I wouldn’t put it past him to put some asinine bullshit in there just to get everyone else to not help her. That is, if he can even type straight. The asshole’s fucking wasted already.”

Reaper looks between us, confused, but on alert. “What happened? Is she in trouble? Why’s Smoke against helping her?”

Dragon hesitates, and I narrow my gaze on him again before answering Reaper myself.

“Yes, she’s in trouble. Her name’s Mae and she’s Smoke’s long-lost daughter, who he thought had died when she was a baby. She found out her stepdad’s trying to sell her off to someone, so she came here looking for him, hoping he’d help her.”

Turning to Dragon, I decide to address this shit. I don’t want her hearing any of this shit, especially after whatever the fuck Smoke just pulled.

“Until I find evidence that says otherwise, I’m going to believe my woman, Dragon. I don’t want to hear one more person fucking badmouthing her and judging her about something she only just discovered last night after finding her real birth certificate as well as her own fucking death certificate. And if the club fucking fights us on it, then I’ll fucking leave and protect her from those bastards myself. I’ll be taking my business back, too, if that happens.”

Reaper’s eyebrows damn near shoot up to his hairline when I’m done. My uncle left me the construction business when he retired. After I patched in, I offered the club a percentage of the business. I’ve got more than enough to buy them out of the contract if need be.

“We don’t know anything—,” Dragon tries again, but I cut him off.

“How long was it after meeting Levi that you knew she was going to be your woman?”

His eyes harden when I bring Levi into this, but I need to. It’s the same fucking thing—I just need him to realize it, too.

“Why the fuck are you bringing my Old Lady into this? I ought to beat your ass for pulling this shit,” he growls as he shifts his stance.

“Just answer the fucking question, Dragon. How long was it before you knew she was the one for you?”

“Almost instantly, but Thor and I knew her beforehand. You haven’t—you only met her today. You don’t know anything about her. She could be lying or trying to pull a fast one over on us, but you’re thinking with your dick, not your head.”

A humorless chuckle escapes me, and it doesn’t escape my notice that Reaper’s giving Dragon the side eye. I’m glad he isn’t butting in on this, but also relieved someone else is witnessing this fucking bullshit. Especially since Dragon can’t fault me for falling fast when he did the same.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Are all of us only supposed to find Old Lady’s that we’ve known for years? Is there some fine print in the bylaws that only you know about? That if we meet someone new, and we like them, that we can’t pursue anything with them because we don’t know everything about their history upfront? Because if that is the case, it’s complete and fucking bullshit. If that’s what’s expected of us, then I’ll turn in my cut right now because there’s no fucking way I’m letting Mae go. You fell hard and fast for Levi, but when someone else does the same thing, you want to suddenly put the brakes on and want to fight about it? To not help someone in need?”

“Levi’s case was different. We don’t know anything about Mae. She could be just as manipulative as the fucking bunnies and hang-arounds who would do anything to bag themselves a biker. She could be a plant that could destroy us from the inside out. You need to stop thinking with your fucking dick and you’d see that you need to keep your fucking distance from her.” He pauses as he looks down at me with a sneer on his face. “Or have you met her before and she’s already pregnant? That this is just a ploy to get us to kill off someone she’s pissed at? An ex-boyfriend, her dealer, or even her pimp?”

It takes everything in me not to punch him for what he’s implying Mae is and what she’s doing.

“Mae’s not a fucking slut and doesn’t do drugs! Why are you treating her like she’s out to stab us in the back? And I can’t believe you’d think that of me or that I’d stoop to doing something like that. You’ve known me for ten years, Dragon. For fuck’s sake, you asked me to even be one of your groomsmen! Do you really think I’d do the shit you just spewed? One would think you’d know me well enough by now to know that isn’t the case. Then again, I never thought you’d turn away someone who needed help, especially a woman. That you’d turn on a brother like this. Is this what you’re going to think and act like anytime a brother brings a woman here? That you’re instantly going to suspect them of being the enemy and anything they say is a lie?”

He remains silent as he fumes at me, but he doesn’t respond or disagree with anything I just said. That only makes my anger rise further and I’m really questioning if I should stay in the club if the others are thinking along the same lines as Dragon.

“Yes, I only just met Mae, but I’m already halfway in love with her. I want her as my Old Lady, my wife. Despite what you might think, I am thinking clearly about this. None of us were against helping Levi with her stalkers, so why is Mae different? Why are you so against helping her? While her scenario is slightly different from Levi’s, her stepdad’s trying to fucking sell her to settle his fucking drug debt. Why are you so against protecting Mae when she’s in just as much danger as Levi was? Are you going to just throw her out without protection despite the danger she’s facing?” I should stop, but this is making me question a lot of things about the club.

“What if another brother brings home a woman who also has problems? Are you going to pull this same shit with them? Cause that’s fucking bullshit and extremely hypocritical of you. Maybe we need to get Thor and everyone else over here to hash a few things out now instead of having this fucking competition?” I pause as I make sure he sees the fury coursing through me. I’m so fucking pissed I’d rather spar or throw every single knife here at the targets because of his bullshit attitude against my sunshine.

“Let me make one thing clear, Dragon. I will be staying by Mae’s side, with or without the club’s protection. You can take your fucking self-righteousness and shove it up your fucking hypocritical ass if you keep saying that bullshit about her. You don’t know her story,” I grit out through clenched teeth. And while I don’t know her full story, I know enough. I will protect her by myself if it comes down to it.

My body tenses further when I hear a pair of feminine gasps from behind me, but I don’t turn around. Though I am wondering how much of that they heard. I’m also pretty sure who’s behind me because there are the only two women participating in the competition. I hope like fuck I don’t end up with a blade in my back because of how I’m talking to her Old Man, but right now, I’m really fucking pissed off at how he’s talking about Mae.

“Dragon, I cannot believe that horseshit just came out of your mouth,” Levi hisses as she comes round me and stands in front of Dragon, poking his chest angrily. “I hope like fuck Mae hasn’t overheard anything you just said. She’s been through more than enough in her life to have to put up with your bullshit as well. I can’t believe you’d think that of someone! I’ve heard the same things as Timber this afternoon and I’m with him for saying we can trust her. My gut says we can trust her. I don’t think she’s lying or trying to manipulate us. The next time I hear anything like that bullshit coming out of your mouth, you’ll have a blade sticking out of you. And you can bet your fucking ass that you’ll be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future.”

Dragon’s icy glare cuts to me as if it’s my fault he’s getting kicked out of his woman’s bed.

“If I weren’t a Prospect, he’d already have a blade sticking out of him,” Sasha growls, her voice thick with her Russian accent since she’s pissed.

Dragon’s face hardens even further before Reaper’s large hands land with a thud on both Dragon’s and my shoulders, and fuck do I have to fight not to wince in pain. Judging by the tight pinch around Dragon’s eyes, he’s in the same boat.

“We all need to relax. If you all need to verify anything that you learn from Mae, then I’ll volunteer Python to look into it. That way, there’s no conflict of interest. That said, I will put my two cents in. Until proven otherwise, I’d suggest believing Mae. When are you guys going to talk to her? Tomorrow or tonight still?”

“I talked to Thor, and he suggested tomorrow since Mae’s traveled all day to get here and she’s barely eaten anything. But when he hears about this, he may end up moving it up to tonight,” Levi says, her arms crossed as she glares at Dragon. The way she’s scowling at Dragon makes me believe she might have heard our whole argument.