Page 195 of Timber

He grins down at her wickedly, licking his lips as he leers at her. It’s almost as if thinking about Mae and looking at Levi makes some of his pain go away.

“Neither. I gave my b-bride a sedative and a very special c-concoction of ours that would make her extra fertile. I gave her an extra strong dose when we n-nabbed her and before she w-woke up, she received another dose. However, neither d-dose was her first dose. She got her first dose when Carter k-kidnapped her. Mae was going to be my breeding machine.”

Gigi shrieks in outrage over her cries of pain. “That’s n-not what you told me, you asshole! You s-said she would n-never be able to c-conceive. That the drug would s-shrivel up her uterus like a r-raisin.”

Bruce chuckles darkly. “No, that’s whatyoureceived, Gigi. You might be tight, but you’ve also been used r-repeatedly by almost every one of these fucking bikers. I wasn’t going to chance you already being p-pregnant and further sullying the well. Also, your mouth isn’t worth it. You thought you were t-top bitch, but you were just a plaything for all the boys to sample.”

Yeah, feeling like he’s one of the top men in this room again is making him more confident. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him Mae’s pregnant with my baby, but I don’t want to stilt the flow of conversation Levi’s got going. We need all the information we can get on those Oasis bastards.

Gigi shrieks again, but it morphs into a cry of pain as Sasha whips her again.

“Who’s the mastermind behind Oasis?”

“X is. His o-operation stretches all across the states and into Mexico.”

Levi pauses for a second in her cutting before continuing. “Who was the one who killed Jane?”

“Preston k-killed both Jane and Lillian. He and I mostly took Lillian. I could only stomach it if I took her from b-behind so I wouldn’t have to see her brown r-boots. She looked like Mae that way.

“Preston used them both to w-within an inch of their lives as he beat them. He liked to force feed them date rape drugs, so they’d be more out of it w-when he took them. The others took them both, but Preston did the most.”

I’ve heard enough.

Grabbing the tape, I tape Bruce’s mouth shut and start to move onto the others. Along the way, I also tape Gigi’s mouth shut because I’m sick and fucking tired of her ranting about how Bruce had lied to her. She’s almost as dumb as Luscious was to think that these assholes would ever make her one of the first wives as they call them in Oasis.

Moving to the X-look-alike, I take note of his tattoos. Like Mae had said, the snake head on his neck has its mouth closed with the tongue sticking out.

Ripping the tape off his mouth, he grins a bloody grin at me.

“You aren’t getting anything out of me, so you might as well kill me. I’m not as easy to break as that fuckwad over there.”

Grinning darkly, I pat his cheek. “We’ll see about that, Junior.”

His eyes widen a fraction before he schools his looks. Hmmm... Maybe this is a family relation?

Six hours later, all eight of them are a bloody mess. All of us got in on beating the shit out of them when they stopped talking and didn’t give us any new information. We knew they had more to give us and that’s when things started getting messier.

However, Bruce and Preston got the worst of all of our torturing methods. Their wounds are deeper than the others and I took great pleasure in making them cry when it was my turn.

As for how they’ve been tortured, their fingers were all broken, nails torn off on their hands and their toes, kneecaps smashed, teeth pulled out and piercings pulled out. Ribs are cracked if not broken and each man, and I use that term very loosely, received multiple hits to the dick with a metal bar. Well, those that still have dicks. Both Preston and Bruce had their balls and dicks unceremoniously and painfully chopped off.

For Gigi, she got the same treatments as the men, though her hits with the metal bar were to her breasts and pussy. She also had the ‘de-glorification treatment’ as the girls call it, where Sasha chopped off all her hair as another strike to her vanity.

And on top of all of that, everyone’s been cut and whipped to hell, though only Bruce and Preston got the acetylene torch treatment. Multiple burns are littered across both of their bodies.

As promised, after we all got a few licks in on Preston, Drae’s the one that’s handled most of his torture. And by the looks of it, the fucker is barely hanging onto life. In all honesty, Bruce is in the same boat. We all took great pleasure in hurting the sick fuckers.

Shaking my head, I rip off my soiled gloves and toss them down into the biohazardous bag. My gaze goes to Sasha who has just finished hooking up the metal bra to Gigi, which all of the fuckers are eyeing warily. As well they should. They’ll be seeing something similar very soon themselves.

Levi had more of her ‘toys’ specially ordered and I was relieved when she said she now had enough for ten people. Something that is coming in especially handy right now since we have eight fuckers on our hands to deal with.

Strapping on a new pair of gloves, the guys follow suit and I start pulling out the boxes for her toys. Levi had asked if I could make or find little boxes so that we could keep all the paired devices together and not get them mixed up. There are numbers engraved into the boxes and I also made sure to engrave the corresponding number onto the remotes. Since the cubbies will be getting messy as fuck, I went with thick, plastic ones that we can easily bleach and sanitize.

Setting a box down in front of each of the assholes, they all start blubbering when they see what’s inside the boxes and they all start talking over each other. Ignoring them, we put the spiky cock rings on each of the men. When we’re done, I walk up and down the line, making sure to make eye contact with each one of them.

“Assholes and bitch, you’ve already been graced with one of our Queen’s favorite toys for those who help in the hurting and raping of innocents. I’m sure by now you can feel just howuncomfortablethings can get. But the icing on the cake is this baby,” I say as I bend down and pick up one of the dildos.

I make a show of it, and holding it by the handle, I give the signal and Smoke makes the spikes protrude. All of them start squirming again.