Page 185 of Timber

Well, wait. I hold Liam back and gesture for Drae and the others to go ahead of us. When they’re out of earshot, I let him know.

“When they pick up douche canoe, have them grab the barbed flogger in the cupboard. That was used on the three of us and I think it needs to be put in rotation when teaching them some manners.”

Liam grins and relays my message to the others.

The sound of the gate opening has me jostling awake.

As soon as we got back to the van, Patch had cut the back of my dress away as much as possible so that the cloth wouldn’t stick to my wounds. Where it already had, he decided to wait until we got to the clubhouse. They used bolt cutters to get our shackles off and Patch had looked at my wounds with concern.

For the ride, I straddled Liam’s lap while nestling my forehead in the crook of his neck and he held my thighs to keep me in place since some of the lashes are right above my behind.

The adrenaline rush crashed not too long after we left my grandparents and that’s when the pain started setting in. With Liam’s help, I was able to at least calm down enough to get a little sleep, but now that I’m awake, it’s starting to increase again.

Sitting up, I hiss and try to contain my pain-filled groan as I feel the dried blood cracking and pulling. It’s not going to be fun when they wash my back to prep it for stitches, but it needs to be done.

The door opens and I scowl at seeing Dad on the other side, my pain momentarily forgotten at the sight of him. “You didn’t listen to me.”

He sighs. “Sorry, Baby Girl. I needed to put eyes on you first. We set Doc’s stuff up in your guys’ room upstairs and put a cot in there for me so I can still be near you. Once you’re up there, then I’ll take a pain pill and pass out.”

Swallowing my retort, I nod. I had wanted to see him, too, but was so worried about him and losing all that blood that I needed to make sure he was okay.

I tighten my arms around Liam’s neck as he gets out of the van and Dad makes a strangled sound when he sees the extent of my wounds. I was too scared to ask, so even though I felt it, I have no idea the extent of the damage other than my wrists and ankles.

Another car pulling up behind us has me turning and I grin when I see them park so that anyone from the road wouldn’t be able to see what happens next. The door opens and Reaper kicks Bruce out and onto the ground, who’s got his hands cuffed behind his back and his ankles zip-tied together.

“Pumpkin, I think I promised you two hits, didn’t I?” Drae says, and Lindsey nods.

“Yes. Mae said I could have two instead of just one because she didn’t want to unlock the door in case he was faking it.”

Drae nods to me in thanks and I return it, fighting my tears at seeing them interacting together as well as fighting the rising pain.

“Well, then, little Miss Lindsey,” Reaper says as he reaches back into the van. “I’ve got something here that I think would do a good job of that.”

He holds out a small crowbar and Drae sets Lindsey down on the ground.

“Thank you, Uncle Reaper,” she says as she hugs his leg. He does one better by lifting her up and squeezing her tight before letting her go.

She takes the crowbar but then furrows her brows and pulls on Reaper’s pant leg. He leans down and she whispers in his ear.

The devilish grin on his face pretty much tells me what she’s going to do, but it couldn’t have prepared me for what she says.

Reaper grabs two other guys who turn Bruce onto his back. Cannon steps on Bruce’s chest while Reaper and Devil cut the ties around his ankles and spread Bruce’s legs.

He starts blubbering and Atlas takes his handkerchief, wads it up, and stuffs it in his mouth.

“Stop?” Lindsey asks and then she lands a hard hit to his dick with the crowbar. “Did you stop when Mama and Mae’s mama begged you to stop? No, you didn’t. You hit them harder. Hurt them more. Did things in front of me and in the room next to where I was held that I shouldn’t have seen or heard of for years,” she snarls as she lands another brutal hit that has Bruce passing out.

Tears stream down my face and I know we’re all wearing equally shocked looks on our faces. She drops the crowbar and runs into Drae’s arms, sobbing. She had told me about seeing them hurt them both, but I hadn’t realized the bastards had taken our moms where she was able to hear what they were doing.


I pray they didn’t actually take our moms in front of her. No child should have to see that.

Drae takes her inside, but the look he gives me has me shrinking back in fear.

When the door slams shut, I turn to look at Liam, stunned. “I didn’t know. I thought she just meant they hurt them in front of her. Those were her words. ‘Can I hit him for what he did to Mama? For hurting her?’ I swear, I didn’t know.”

He kisses my forehead. “I know, Sunshine. We all heard you both in the stairwell. I think it’s just the shock of what he just learned about that’s pissing him off.”