Page 18 of Timber

Timber laughs as he winks at me. “Yeah, she definitely deserves a medal for putting up with them, as well as the rest of us assholes.”

I wince as I realize I must have said that aloud. Crap, I hope I didn’t insult anyone. I try to shake off my nerves when Timber tugs slightly on my arm, pulling me back out into the hallway and then outside.

There are several tables set up around the backyard and they’ve already lit all four of the firepits. In the distance, there’s a large wooden stage that has a large wood backdrop on it.


Are those targets painted on them? I frown as I stare at them. They aren’t like normal targets because there are three bullseyes in a vertical line instead of the usual one bullseye that you’d see. Plus, there’s two other blue dots that I’m not sure what they’re for. Does someone have a bow and arrow they practice with?

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when Timber squeezes my hand. He pauses as he looks around before leading me through the sea of people, but he doesn’t introduce me like before. When he comes to a stop, I realize why. In front of us are some women and the one that I remember being called Levi.

“Pregnancy looks good on you, Levi. Any chance you can give me a hint as to if I picked the right team?” he asks as he gives her puppy dog eyes, which makes me laugh along with the rest of the women.

“You know as well as I do that the genders were sealed and only Reaper and Ethan know the results since they’re doing the reveal. What was your pick again?”

He smiles widely. “Team girl—all the way.”

Levi winks at him and two other women pump their fists in the air before reaching out to high five Timber. “Team girl!” one of them whisper shouts.

I look between them all, confused. Seeing my confusion, Levi leans toward me.

“Don’t tell my fiancés but there’s a bet going around as to what the babies’ genders will be,” she whispers.

Shock fills me at that. “Is everyone else in on it?”

She nods as she chuckles. “Everyone in our chapter and even my brother, Reaper’s chapter, are in on it. I’m not sure how everyone has kept their big mouths shut around my men, but I don’t think they suspect anything.” She pauses as she looks over at her men, a smirk forming. “It’ll be interesting to see how they react when Timber and Smithy dole out everyone’s winnings.”

Why would Timber be handing out everyone’s winnings? At my confused look, Levi glares at Timber.

“I see someone hasn’t told you much about us, has he?”

“No, he said we’d talk later about it. I wanted to freshen up before the party since I was traveling all day.”

Timber winces. “I promise we’ll talk more about the club, but Smithy and I are the treasurers for our respective chapters. I—... I mean, would you ladies like me to bring you over some cupcakes?”

I look up at him, confused once again. When he sees me looking at him, he subtly nods to my right and when I turn, Thor and someone who looks exactly like him are walking toward us. Oh, right. They don’t know about the bet.

“Yes, if you could please,” one of the women says as she bats her eyes at Timber.

My stomach tightens at the gesture until I see that she’s wearing a Prospect cut. She must be Sasha and if memory serves, she’s with another guy in the club. Colt, I think it was.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Thor and his twin got sidetracked on their way here and are now talking with some other guys from Junction Creek according to the back of their cuts. Turning around, I have to bite my cheek to keep from giggling as the woman continues to give Timber a puppy dog look.

Timber scowls at the woman. “I should make you go and get them, Prospect.”

Sasha feigns shock. “I’m one of the twins’ godmothers! Also, you know Thor gave the okay for me to not work during the party, so you aren’t allowed to pull that tonight.”

Timber grumbles, but I can tell it’s just an act. He turns toward me, his hand tightening on my waist and he kisses my forehead. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Levi and Sasha sharing a look and my cheeks heat. Crap, if everyone keeps this up, I’ll be in a permanent state of redness.

“Stay here with Levi and the ladies. I’ll be back with some food in a few.” Then he turns and weaves back into the crowd.

I look around, suddenly unsure, but then relax slightly when Levi smiles widely at me.

“Sit with us, Mae,” she says as she pats the chair next to her. Once I sit, she squeezes my hand. “Now, let me introduce you. These are my sisters, Sasha and Nikki, respectively. On Nikki’s lap is my adorable niece, Sadie,” she says, confirming that the Prospect is in fact Sasha. “Then it’s my friends, Roxy, Allison, and Erin. Ladies, this is Mae.”

Shyly, I give a small wave. “Hello.”

“Is it true?” Nikki asks hesitantly as she looks between Levi and me.