Page 158 of Timber

A few moments later, she repeats the words. Mae’s blinding smile has me smiling like a loon.

“Finally, bikers who actually listen,” Reaper says under his breath with a side eye toward Dragon. Though it’s loud enough for most of our guests to hear, judging by their quiet laughter.

“I present Mr. and Mrs. Liam Caldwell. You may kiss your bride.”

Pulling Mae toward me, I don’t keep the kiss short and sweet. My need for her has me dipping her and kissing her deeply.

“Alright, that’s enough biker boy, there are children present,” Reaper chides.

“Eh, he’s fine,” Jordan quips, which has us all laughing and when I look over at him, he’s smirking. Man, that kid is going to grow up to be a handful.

Mae slips her arm through mine and like earlier, we head out to the back to take some pictures.

It’s nearing ten o’clock as I look around at everyone celebrating and having a good time. I had been relieved when Mae got along so well with my aunt, uncle, brother, and sister. She introduced them to Peggy and Glen, although I know I’ll owe them some information later on. None of them said anything about her scars, but when her back was turned, they looked at me in question and worry. I wasn’t going to fill them in now about it, though. Today is our day, and I wasn’t going to taint it by bringing that up.

“Good boy,” Mae coos and I turn, smiling when I see her bent over and petting Bastion, Levi’s dog.

Last week, she wasn’t able to really see him because he was recovering from getting stitches, so they kept him indoors while he healed. She said he had cuddled up to her a lot last night while the ladies were planning things and she absolutely loved it. Mae had told me before that she always wanted a dog and a cat, but was never able to have one. I have a sneaky feeling we’ll be making a trip to the animal shelter at some point in the near future.

We still don’t fully know what happened and how Bastion got hurt last week. However, when Lex was walking the fence perimeter, he saw a small section that had been cut and a wire was left pointing in toward our property. It had blood on it.

Smoke couldn’t find anything on the cameras, but we had made sure to fix that section. After that, we looked closer at the rest of the fencing, but didn’t find anything wrong.

Growling has me returning my focus back toward Mae, who is still crouched down next to Bastion, but he’s turned, facing the gate.

“Thor,” I say, nudging him, who just so happened to be nearby. He turns toward me, but then stops when he hears Bastion’s low growl, too.

“Fuck,” he hisses under his breath and then digs his phone out of his pocket. Drae’s name lights up his screen.

Since he’s right next to me, I can hear every word.

“There’s a package that’s been dropped off. I was scanning the monitors when I saw his back as he walked away from the gate. I called out to him, but he just kept walking. After he left, I rewound the tape, but whoever it is kept their face covered. I’m sorry, but I have no idea who it was. What do you want me to do? I haven’t opened the gate to get it.”

“Stay put. I’ll get some men around and we’ll be up there in a few.”

“Yes, sir.”

Thor ends the call.

Fuck, I hope this has nothing to do with Mae.

Thor steps closer to me. “I’m going to send out a text to alert everyone. I need you to go to Mae. Make sure she stays here and with the club. I’ll send Levi over to her in a moment.”

“You got it, Pres.”

I stalk toward Mae when I feel my phone vibrate with his text and she looks up at me, worried.

“What is it?” she asks anxiously and I pull her into my arms, laying her head against my chest.

“We aren’t sure yet, but something was left at the gate,” I whisper to her and close my eyes in frustration when I feel her entire body stiffen against me. “Stay with Levi. She’ll be over here in a moment. Listen to whoever Thor leaves back here to guard everyone. Try not to give away that something is up in case they are watching us.”

She pulls back slightly and reaches up, her hands cupping my face. She pulls me down and I kiss her.

“Be safe. Come back to me,” she whispers, and I kiss her again.

“Always, Sunshine.”

With one more kiss, I head toward the gate. Smoke gives me a chin lift as he walks toward Mae. Looking over my shoulder, he wraps and arm around her and guides her over toward the drink table. Levi joins them and my shoulders relax at his move. The drink table is right by the back door of the clubhouse, so if anything happens, he’ll get them inside quickly. A moment later, Jordan and Sadie are at their sides and something pulls at my chest at seeing Mae crouched down and talking to them. Fuck, I can’t wait until she’s doing that with our kids.