She steps around to the front of me, hugging me tighter. Not being able to resist it, my hands land on her waist as I lift her up and bury my head in the crook of her neck, my arms tightening around her waist, her feet dangling in the air. Her small arms encircle my neck.
Then she does something I wasn’t expecting.
One of her arms untwines from around me and the next second, my brother’s arms wrap around us and I know her other arm is wrapped around him.
Tears burn at the back of my eyes, but I don’t let them fall.
Swallowing thickly, I swear I’ll find the person or people responsible for this and they will regret defiling my sister’s memory.
My heart breaks as I hold my brothers, their heads resting against mine as we all hold each other tightly. Tears continue to stream down my face, but I don’t wipe them away.
I don’t know what happened, but I know it’s bad when Kai seemed near tears, even though I know he’d never let them fall. Then his face changed and I swear he wanted to go on a warpath. The look on his face combined with how muscular the man is made me think he looks like one of the Viking Gods of old.
It should scare me, but I know Kai would never hurt me.
Tightening my arms around their necks, I turn, kissing their temples. Both of them tighten their arms around me in return, and then they pull back slightly.
Turning toward the man I know now is Erik, I give him a sad smile. “I’m sorry this is how we’re meeting for the first time. I truly never meant you any harm.” Pausing, I turn toward Kai and giving him the stink eye as I scowl at him. “But you are so in trouble, buster, for never telling me you had siblings!” I say as I flick the tip of his nose.
He scowls at me, but there’s no heat behind it. Erik’s shoulders shake against me, and I can’t keep my scowl in place any longer. A giggle soon escapes me.
“We also have a younger brother, Dominick, but he’s spending time with our grandparents, Pops’ parents, right now. He’ll be at the wedding, though.”
Nodding to Kai, I pull them forward until our foreheads are resting against each other’s.
“Let’s make a promise. When any of us have disagreements, don’t let it come to blows. We talk. I can’t handle seeing my brothers fighting like that. I don’t want either of you hurt,” I say quietly, and their arms tighten around me before they pull back and each kiss a temple.
“Promise, Lil’ Bit.”
Nodding, I hug them each again, and they lower me to the ground. Kai’s rough hand drags across the worst section of my left arm, which is also the worst out of both my arms, and I can’t contain my hiss of pain.
Worry instantly fills his face as he looks closer at my arms, taking them both in his hands. “Lil’ Bit...”
Looking down in embarrassment, I swallow thickly. “After last night... The nightmares came back. I could feel their hands,” I whisper. Instantly, I’m pulled back into his arms and I blink back more tears.
“You’ve relived those memories enough. Is it okay if later I fill Erik in, and then Dom, on what’s going on? I don’t want to cause you anymore pain, Lil’ Bit.”
My body sags in relief, and I nod, thankful that I won’t have to repeat anything again. He tightens his hug and releases me. Despite the weight on my shoulders, a giggle escapes when I’m instantly pulled into Timber’s arms.
Then, curses ring out behind me, and I turn, only to flinch back slightly at the anger on Python’s, Reaper’s, and Ragnar’s faces.
“Church!” Reaper bellows and I look up at Timber, worried. Is it about whatever caused Erik to attack Kai? About Mom? Preston?
He leans down, kissing me, and rests his forehead against mine. “If it’s about Lillian or Preston, I’ll give you the cliff note version, but if it’s not, don’t be surprised if I can’t tell you anything about it, Sunshine”
My nerves increase as I remember Levi’s talk with me at her house. “Club business?” I ask hesitantly.
He nods grimly. “If it affects you in any way, I’ll tell you what I can, but other than that, I most likely won’t be able to tell you. Please say you understand, Sunshine.”
Nodding, I force a smile onto my face. “I understand, but it doesn’t mean I’ll always like it.” Going up on my tiptoes, I’m thankful that he meets me halfway to kiss me since he’s so much taller than I am. Pulling back, I tuck myself under his arm as we follow behind the others into the clubhouse.
Reaper’s talking quietly with Ragnar and Erik as they walk, tension radiating off all of them.
Once inside, Timber kisses me once more before giving the Prospect at the bar his phone and goes into Church.
Mama Astrid’s face lights up in a smile when she sees me. Then her face turns nervous as she stops what she’s doing in the kitchen and comes out to the main room, wringing her hands in worry before she starts to sign as she talks.