Page 89 of Thor & Dragon

Ethan looks at me nervously and it takes everything in me to just shrug and not give it away.

When they’re both up there, Phoenix pulls both boxes from behind his back and gives one to each of them. From here, I can see both of their faces and when they open them, they both break out in huge smiles.

Cheers erupt from the crowd when they slip into their prospect cuts.

“Welcome to Steel Archangel’s, brothers,” Thor says and does that man-hug thing where they clasp hands and kind of bump shoulders with both Travis and Ethan.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement, but when I turn to look, I don’t see anything. Did I just imagine it?

“Spitfire, I have to do something, but I need you to know that I love you and I need you to trust me.”

My body tenses and a feeling of dread washes over me. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like whatever it is that he’s talking about.

“What’s going on, Dragon?”

He sighs and leans down, kissing my forehead. “I can’t tell you that just yet, Spitfire. Stay near Thor for right now.” He dips and gives me a chaste kiss before heading back into the clubhouse, with Ryder and Phoenix following close behind.

I’m not sure how long I stare at the backdoor, but the next thing I know, Sasha’s wrapping me in a hug.

“??? ?? ????”

“Dragon’s???-?? ???????, ???, ? ??????, ??? ?? ??????????.”

“??????, ????? ? ?????????? ?? ????”

I pause, but then shake my head. “H??, ??? ??, ??? ??? ????? ???????.”

With that, I start walking across the yard to the back door. I can hear heavy footsteps behind me, so I hasten my steps. Someone calls out to me, but that only drives me to move faster. I can hear several curses behind me and my chest aches when I hear Thor’s voice among them. I whip open the door and dart inside.

That’s when I hear it. Giggles so high they’re sickening. Following the sound, I make my way through the kitchen, and even though every Steel Archangel I pass tries to get me to turn around, they give up when my blades came out. The pity in their eyes when they step back has my gut in knots.

As soon as I step into the common room, my steps falter. Nicole’s draped all over Dragon, rubbing her chest against his arm as she’s whispering something in his ear.

How could he do this?

I must make a noise or something because she looks over her shoulder and I want to carve up her smug fucking face before they turn the corner. Black dots dance across my vision and the next thing I know, I’m being tugged toward the front door.

Sasha leads me outside, and as we walk, the scene keeps replaying in my head. Why the fuck would Dragon allow her to do that when it was just today that they asked me to be their Old Lady and I agreed to marry them? Was it all just a joke? My gaze catches on my ring and I try to swallow the bile that rises.

Soon, Sasha leads me up the steps to Uncle Bear’s house and unlocks the door. He gave both of us keys years ago in case we ever needed protection. She pulls me toward the living room and then down onto the couch. I flop down, numb, and pissed. She doesn’t say anything but sits down next to me, leaning on my shoulder.

I sigh as I rub my hands over my face.

“What’d he do and do I need to sink a blade in him?”

Even though I know she’s dead serious, I can’t help the strained chuckle that escapes. Sighing again, I pull out a blade and twirl it, needing that calm feeling of the cold steel dancing around my fingers.

I fill her in on Nicole, what I’d seen her do, and then the rest of what Dragon said and did.

“…So, let me see if I have this right. He says he has to do something but asks you to trust him and reminds you that he loves you. Then he let that skank rub all over him as he went to who knows where with her?”

Groaning, I lean back against the couch. “Yeah. I know there are rooms off that hallway, but there are secure rooms downstairs, too. One of them is their interrogation room. Thor showed me once since there’s also another panic room down there. He wanted me to know my way around in case I needed to help get people to safety if we were cut off from the other panic rooms.”

“Wait, there’s a downstairs?”

Nodding, I bite my lip as I try to step back and look at everything from another person’s perspective. Dragon seemed really tense and now that I think about it, seemed pissed about what he was going to do when he was talking to me. When Nicole was hanging on him, he didn’t act like he enjoyed it or wanted her attention. Instead of his usual swagger, he was walking rigidly. Even though she had a hold of his arm, both of his fists were clenched.

“I think… I think he was trying to lure her into the basement. We need to know who sent her and why she planted the cameras.”